Dancers rehearse Yu Neng-sheng's new routine When Ballet meets Tchaikovsky,in Taipei yesterday. The performance runs from August 3 to 12 in Taipei, Hsinchu, and Tainan.
中文: 台北室内芭蕾八月一日在城市舞台,彩排编舞家余能盛的作品「当芭蕾邂逅柴可夫斯基」。本舞作将于八月三日至十二日于台北,新竹以及台南演出。 更详细进入...
On November 17th, 1800, Congress held its first session in Washington in the partially completed Capitol building.
中文: 1800年11月17日,国会在位于华盛顿尚未完工的国会大厦里举行了第一次会议. 更详细进入...
By the 1936 Olympic Games, the standard of performance and the popularity of the sport had started to accelerate.
中文: 到1936年奥运会,盛装舞步比赛的难度已开始大大增加,此项运动也日益流行起来。 更详细进入...
The date of the meeting was advanced from June20 to June7.
中文: 会议日期由6月20日提前到了6月7日。 更详细进入...
30 January, China Telecom was granted with the value-added service license by the MII.
中文: 1月30日中国电信获得信息产业部增值电信业务许可证。 更详细进入...
Over the month, the MSCI Far East ex-Japan Index was 6.8% higher.
中文: 在5月,摩根士丹利资本国际远东(日本除外)指数增长了6.8%。 更详细进入...
Holidays (2001): Jan. 1 (New Year's Day), Feb. 3 (Heroes' Day, anniversary of the assassination of Eduardo Mondlane), Apr. 7 (Day of the Mozambican Women), May 1 (Workers' Day), June 25 (Independence Day), Sep. 7 (Victory Day-anniversary of the end of the
中文: 节日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、英雄日(莫解阵第一任主席蒙德拉纳被害纪念日,2月3日)、莫桑比克妇女节(4月7日)、劳动节(5月1日)、独立日(6月25日)、胜利日-结束武装斗争纪念日(9月7日)、争取民族解放发起武装斗争纪念日和莫桑比克武装部队日(9月25日)、全国家庭日(12月25日)。 更详细进入...
To fund these operating costs, the average domestic sewage charge will have to rise to $27 per month in ten years' time - a modest increase each year of no more than 10 cents per day.
中文: 为支付每年约13亿元的日常营运开支,我们预计在10年内,排污费须增至每月27元,每年递增幅度温和,平均增幅每日不足一毫。 更详细进入...
The colourful flags added to the gaiety of the occasion.
中文: 彩旗给这次盛会增添了欢乐的气氛. 更详细进入...
The company's online products include information &entertainment, community, investment and financing, auto, digital, shopping, real estate, picture and ring tone download and English lesson.
中文: 公司在2005年3月30日取得了中国信息产业部颁发的增值电信业务经营许可证,并于2005年4月8日正式成立。 更详细进入...
Heaven the tea city as if aircraft carrier debarkation Shanghai pool.
中文: 2002年9月28日,在国内享有盛誉的上海大不同天山茶城犹如航空母舰登陆上海滩。 更详细进入...
Note: If adding five days to a date shifts the month or year, the changes are handled automatically by the Date object itself!
中文: 注意:如果给一日期增加天改为给月或年增加的话,一些变化会由时间对象自动处理! 更详细进入...
Shipment must be made from January 1 to January 15, both days inclusive.
中文: 货运须在1月1日至1月15日之间完成(含15日)。 更详细进入...
M2, the broad indicator for money supply, rose 17.9 per cent last month compared with 18.4 per cent in July and June.
中文: 广义货币供应量M2上月增长17.9%,而7月份和6月份的增幅均为18.4%。 更详细进入...
The terms first halfand second halfof a month shall be construed respectively as the 1st to the 15th and the 16th to the last day of the month, all dates inclusive.
中文: 术语上半月和下半月应分别理解为自每月1日至15日和16日至月末最后一天,包括起迄日期。 更详细进入...
The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green.
中文: 六月27日的早晨晴朗无云,有着盛夏时节新鲜的温暖;花儿开得繁茂,草儿长得绿油油。 更详细进入...
Include in product life cycle: Introduce one, rise period, mature period , decline phase.
中文: 2004年12月10日产品寿命周期包括:引入期、增长期、成熟期、衰退期。 更详细进入...
Application period: 1st March to 1st Dec(one month before the study).
中文: 报名时间:3月1日至12月1日(入学前一个月报名). 更详细进入...
Goldman assumes that American consumption will grow by 2.1% next year.
中文: 高盛推断美国的消费将在明年增长2.1%。 更详细进入...
To avoid the expiration-day effects of derivatives overlapping with monthly effect of cash market, the optimal last trading day of index futures is best set in mid-month.
中文: 为了防止期货到期日效应与现货月效应及假日效应等重叠,增大现货市场的波动性,本文建议将股指期货合约最后交易日设在月中。 更详细进入...