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    In dusk, the river, the mountains, the trees and the village become mor and more vague and mystic.

    中文: 暮色中,河流、青山、树木和村庄都变得越来越模糊而神秘。 更详细进入...
    LIMA, June 12 (Reuters) - Newcastle United midfielder Nolberto Solano has been left out of Peru's provisional squad for the Copa America while striker Claudio Pizarro was recalled.

    中文: 利马12日讯,纽卡斯尔联中场索拉诺将不被受招入选正为美洲杯而集训的秘鲁国家队,而前锋皮萨罗却被重招。 更详细进入...
    The rumour is beyond belief.

    中文: 这谣言不可信。 更详细进入...
    we don’t do as we say.

    中文: 我们言行不一。 更详细进入...
    And this then gives additional credence to Tom Riddle's statement in CS.

    中文: 而这点给汤姆?里德在《秘室》中的说法提供了额外的支持。 更详细进入...
    China's space program has close ties to the military and is surrounded by secrecy.

    中文: 中国的太空计划跟军事的关系密切,而且被秘密所包围。 更详细进入...
    The edifice of legitimations is built upon languages and uses languages as its principle instrumentality.

    中文: 正当性的体系是以语言及语言的使用为主要手段而建立的。 更详细进入...
    Covert military operations; covert funding for the rebels.

    中文: 秘密军事行动;叛乱者的秘密资金 更详细进入...
    In conclusion, if we can carry out the above – mentioned rules, we will neither get (take/fall) sick nor suffer pain.

    中文: 总而言之,如果我们能实行上面所说的那些规则,我们既不会生病也不会吃苦。 更详细进入...
    We're NOT,’ said the Toad in a huff. ‘I have a very elegant figure— for what I am.

    中文: “我和她根本不相像,”蟾蜍没好气地说。“我身材多优美呀——就蟾蜍而言。” 更详细进入...
    With some people, hardships do not hold them down, but money and beauty do.

    中文: 就一些人而言,艰难困苦不会使他们屈服,但是金钱与美色却可以。 更详细进入...
    The success complete secret only has two speeches: Indomitable,persists!

    中文: 成功的全部秘诀只有两句话:不屈不挠,坚持到底! 更详细进入...
    I'm not big on going out anymore. Quiet evening at home is wonderful.

    中文: 外出已经不再适合不那么强壮的我了,在家度过一个宁静的夜晚对我而言是很不错的。 更详细进入...
    You're treating this war like it's just another street brawl. Your manner is truly splendid.

    中文: 「这场战争对你而言只是街头混混的打架,这种态度实在不可多得。」 更详细进入...
    Generally, huskies have a good appetite, although some don't eat well when they are nervous, or highly strung.

    中文: 一般而言,有一个好的胃口吠叫,虽然有些不饱时紧张,或是非常紧. 更详细进入...
    175 No one can match us so far as quality is concerned.

    中文: 而言,没有任何厂家能和我们相比。 更详细进入...
    As far as oil energy is concerned, we cannot be too frugal.

    中文: 就石油能源而言,我们愈节省愈好。 更详细进入...
    B:In the case of sports, I prefer football to basketball.

    中文: 就运动而言,我喜欢足球胜于篮球。 更详细进入...
    Consequently come with it all kinds of exaggerated behaviors or languages.

    中文: 因此随之而来了各种夸张的言行。 更详细进入...
    For a foreigner, her English is pretty good.

    中文: 对于外国人而言,她的英语很好了。 更详细进入...

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