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Generally, huskies have a good appetite, although some don't eat well when they are nervous, or highly strung.

Generally, comparing with actual data of load the middle-term load forecasted by regression analysis method often contains notable error. 一般对于电力系统中期负荷预测采用回归分析模型,但其预测结果往往有很大误差。
Generally, cross-stitch can be used for: 1) clothing and personal adornment; 2) baldric and ornament; 3) articles of everyday use and home decorations; and 4) recreation at leisure and making friends. 从十字绣的用途上看大致分为四部分,第一是服装、服饰;第二是佩饰、饰品;第三是日用品及家居装饰;第四是休闲、交友。
Generally, double-diabetes sufferers will often look as though they have the more common type 2 version because they're overweight. But subsequent blood tests reveal they also have type 1 disease. 一般来说,双重糖尿病患者常常由于肥胖而被认为是的2型糖尿病,因为后者比较多见,但是随后的血液化验却显示他们的确是1型糖尿病。
Generally, handshaking is expected in more formal settings, such as when making business contacts or coming face-toface with an important personage . 一般而言,人们会在较正式的场合握手,例如商场往来,或与重要人物见面时。
Generally, how are the cables protected from damage? 一般来说,怎样保护电缆免受破坏?
Generally, huskies have a good appetite, although some don't eat well when they are nervous, or highly strung. 一般而言,有一个好的胃口吠叫,虽然有些不饱时紧张,或是非常紧.
Generally, intensity of welds in FSW exceeds heat affected zone. 通常情况下,摩擦搅拌焊的焊缝强度超过热影响区。
Generally, is there any demand to choose solvent for sulfur? 通常选择硫溶剂有什么要求这句应该怎么翻译才规范.
Generally, it is best to camp on sites that are so highly impacted that further careful use will cause no noticeable impact. 通常,最好在一个被高度影响的地方扎营,这样,小心的使用营地不会造成更大易见的影响。
Generally, marked idioms are those that have not entered a dictionary yet. 有标记习语一般尚未被收入词典。
Generally, mental and behavioural disorders are common during childhood and adolescence. 总的来说,精神和行为异常在儿童和成人都很常见。

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