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With some people, hardships do not hold them down, but money and beauty do.

With some common characteristics, these films developed the new audiovisual language, but it is no breakthrough in the recount models. 在视听语言上有了新的开拓,但是叙事模式并没有创新。
With some exceptions to be noted in the next section, most other types of device require what I've called here a monolithic WDM function driver. 在下一节中提到了很多反例,大部分其他类型的设备要求(一个)我在这里称作“单片机WDM功能驱动”(的驱动)。
With some of our well known sour cream dressing in the pizza sauce, ham and sliced red onion, topped by crispy ruccola. 匹萨酱中加入我们熟知的秘制酸奶油,配以火腿,红洋葱和芝麻菜。
With some of the major function codes, including IRP_MJ_PNP, the minor function code is required to further specify the operation. 伴随一些主要函数代码,包括IRP_MJ_PNP,次要代码被请求作更专门的操作。
With some patience, you'll uncover those juicy niche keywords with high counts and low competition, and these are the words you'll optimize your site for. 一些耐心,你就会发现那些多汁关键词小生高、低罪状比赛而这些字您优化您选址.
With some people, hardships do not hold them down, but money and beauty do. 就一些人而言,艰难困苦不会使他们屈服,但是金钱与美色却可以。
With some practical examples, this paper has summed up the effectiveness of IP method in the exploration of underground water and the water-searching regularity in the army water supply. 摘要通过几个实例,总结了在部队供水中,激电法在地下水探测中的应用效果及找水规律。
With some spiders, including the black widow, the male is much smaller than the female. 在某些蜘蛛群里--例如黑寡妇蜘蛛--雄蜘蛛的个头要比雌蜘蛛小得多。
With some success among Arabs and Muslims, Sudan has portrayed itself as victim of a Western plot to make it surrender sovereignty—the sort of calamity that befell Iraq. 随着阿拉伯国家与穆斯林国家屡遭西方强国的打击之后,苏丹自嘲自己只是西方阴谋下的一个受害者,最终只能是丢掉国家政权-伊拉克所遭受的灾难就是明证。
With some units now on their fourth deployment, an army medical survey in Iraq last month found higher levels of mental-health problems, including a 24% level of post-traumatic stress disorder among those on multiple combat tours. 一些作战单位现在正在第四次布防的任上,上个月一份伊拉克驻军的医疗调查发现,心理健康问题占有很大比例,包括执行复合巡逻任务的有24%患有创伤后应激障碍。
With souble oil cylinders,four-column guide and automatically balancing link rod struture to ensure the completely same cutting depth of each cutting position. 采用双油缸、四柱导向,自动平衡连杆机构,保证每一个裁断位置的裁断深度完全相同。

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