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    The renovation of Chinese sword has a large and wide market in future,let's go straight.

    中文: 中国刀剑的整理在未来时期中是潜力巨大市场广阔的,让我们扬帆起航吧。 更详细进入...
    A watch vendor works within the confines of his hand-painted pushcart on a street in Kabul, Afghanistan.

    中文: 一个手表贩推着他的手推车在阿富汗的喀布尔街头漫无边际地叫卖。 更详细进入...
    Abramovich claimed to have no opinion on the matter and expressed his faith in 'detectives' to solve it.

    中文: 阿布声称对此事毫无看法,并表示他信赖当局侦查机关定能解决此事。 更详细进入...
    Thubron has an impeccable grasp of the history of the region and its relevance to the present day.

    中文: 萨布伦毫无偏差地抓住了这个地区的历史脉络以及它与今天的联系。 更详细进入...
    Spatial Distribution of Community Structure and Functional Feeding Groups of Macroinvertebrates of Changjiang River, a Tributary of Poyang Lake in Spring

    中文: 春季昌江大型底栖无脊椎动物群落结构及功能摄食类群的空间分布 更详细进入...
    Also for impressed current catholic protection, when the anticorrosive paint system is intact.

    中文: 当防腐漆系列完整无损时,可涂布于有外加电流阴极保护装置的部位。 更详细进入...
    But Brit doesn't top our list because of her dubious child-care techniques or her uber annoying Matt Lauer interview.

    中文: 《明星》杂志对她进行了这样的点评,“布兰妮是2006年当之无愧的‘话题女王’。 更详细进入...
    Sometimes knowing how to code for standards, and create flexible tableless layouts is not enough.

    中文: 这里要说的是:使用标准的代码,创建可扩展的无表格布局还是不够的。 更详细进入...
    The Aukland International Airport in New Zealand issued a News Flash stating that the airport is operating as normal, no Y2K problems have been experienced.

    中文: 纽西兰屋兰国际机场耶新闻布告栏贴讲机场内一切拢正常,无Y2K问题。 更详细进入...
    The act of proclaiming or the condition of being proclaimed.

    中文: 公布,宣布公布的行为或被公布的状况 更详细进入...
    Meshless method is a new sort of numerical calculation method; nodal arranging scheme and character of nodes are emphasis and difficulty of meshless method.

    中文: 摘要无网格法是一种新的数值计算方法,节点的布置方案和节点的性态特点则是无网格法的重点,也是难点。 更详细进入...
    Comprehensive and unmanned automation of substations is introduced,distributing formula RTU9500 and unmanned control system are discussed.

    中文: 讨论变电站实现综合自动化与无人值班的必要性、方法,分布式RTU9500的特点,以及无人值班控制系统的方案等。 更详细进入...
    The sharp ears were not pricked so sharply as he had seen them on other wolves; the eyes were bleared and bloodshot, the head seemed to droop limply and forlornly.

    中文: 狼的两只尖耳朵不像他见过的别的狼那样能竖起来;狼眼睛布满血丝,浑浊无光,脑袋也有气无力地耷拉着。 更详细进入...
    Most advanced Explosion-proof Vulcanizer in China.Main features are:light weight,easy to operate,safe and reliable.Used to connect and vulcanize Canvas,Nylon and Cable in coal-mines where exist methane,coal-dust or other explosive-gas mixture.

    中文: 本产品适合于煤矿井下及具有甲烷或煤尘爆炸危险性混合物场所胶接帆布、尼龙和钢绳芯胶带接头之用,具有重量轻、操作方便、工作安全、可靠,是国内最先进的防爆硫化器。 更详细进入...
    Indigo-terry fabric collection、Teill fabric collection、Mesh fabric collection、Milano ribbed fabic collection、Undershirt cloth fabric、Colored striped fabric、Pelerine knitted fabric、Terry cloth collection.

    中文: 靛蓝毛圈布系列、斜纹布系列、网眼布系列、空气层布系列、汗布系列、彩条布系列、菠萝布系列、棉毛布系列。 更详细进入...
    For someone who only took up acting because he wanted to buy a motorbike, Takeshi has come far.

    中文: 金城武最初从影时只指望靠它买一辆摩托,但他的事业却发展得一帆风顺。 更详细进入...
    I look up to the heavens, But night has clouded over, No spark of constellation, No Vela, No Orion.

    中文: 抬头仰望着天空,但夜被云朵笼罩,没有星星的闪光,没有船帆座,没有猎户座。 更详细进入...
    If God allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us.

    中文: 如果上帝将我们的生活安排的一帆风顺,没有一点障碍,会使我们残缺不全。 更详细进入...
    It will take place at the Royal Sydney Yacht Club. The shuttle bus will leave our club at 17:00.

    中文: 将在悉尼皇家帆船俱乐部举行。接你们的巴士将于17:00离开我们的俱乐部。 更详细进入...
    Sail aboard Capt Kidd- a modern Replica of a 19th Century Topsail Schooners. Relax on an afternoon sail or experience the romance of a sunset cruise on Galveston Bay.

    中文: 这是一段坐帆船出海的广告,在休斯敦最后一个周末的下午,驾车来到海边,带上啤酒,坐在帆船上,向着落日的方向航行,听着墨西哥老男人的吉它,吹吹海风,人生最大的腐败莫过如此! 更详细进入...

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