Since 2002, the Yankees have had a strategic partnership in Japan with the Shimbun, owners of the Yomiuri Giants baseball club.
中文: 自从2002年后,洋基队就和日本的读卖新闻有合作的关系,他们拥有读卖巨人队。 更详细进入...
Humans have a hard time selling salmon that is not pink and so they dye the flesh for the appropriate appearance.
中文: 而人类很难售卖非粉红色的鮭鱼,因此他们将鱼肉染色呈现正常的颜色(来售卖)。 更详细进入...
If the contract goods is concerning to 3C certificate,the seller must supply it to the buyer,otherwise the seller should bear all aftereffect.
中文: 如果该合同所供货物涉及3C证书,卖方必须提供,否则产生一切后果由卖方承担。 更详细进入...
In the early spring in rural fair, lamb's trade is very busy.
中文: 早春的集市,羊羔的买卖很有些红火,卖者多来自边山远陬,买者则是附近的农户。 更详细进入...
This because of the multitude of harlotries Of the well-favored harlot, The mistress of sorceries, Who sells nations by her harlotries And families by her sorceries.
中文: 4都因那美貌的妓女,行邪术的主母,多有淫行,藉淫行出卖列国,用邪术出卖多族。 更详细进入...
The item has inspired sellers to place dozens of spin-off items on the online auction site, including attempts at replica burnt toast, T-shirts, ornamental plates, and domain names.
中文: 这件拍卖品启发了卖家们,他们在在线拍卖网站上放了几十种副产品,包括烧焦的吐司面包的复制品,T恤衫,装饰性的盘子,还有域名。 更详细进入...
In 2006 Sotheby's and Christie's, the world's biggest auction houses, sold $190 million worth of Asian contemporary art, most of it Chinese, in a series of record-breaking auctions in New York, London and Hong Kong.
中文: 2006年,全球最大的拍卖行,索斯比和克里斯蒂拍卖行卖出了价值一亿九千万美元的亚洲当代艺术品,其中大部分来自中国,在纽约、伦敦和香港的拍卖活动中打破了一系列记录。 更详细进入...
One, such as an investor, that sells securities or commodities in expectation of falling prices.
中文: 卖空者,做空头者抛售股票或商品希望造成价格下跌的人,如某位投资者 更详细进入...
A colloquial description of a transaction where none of the parties are related to each other or have common interests -- they have each other at arm's length.
中文: 一项产品的买方与卖方独立进行交易,互相之间并无任何关系,是指买卖双方为满足各自的经济利益所达成的正常买卖交易。 更详细进入...
Seller shall be liable for any dead freight or demurrage, should they fail to have the quantity of the goods ready for loading in time as stipulated, if the carrying vessel has arrived at the port of shipment as advised.
中文: 如果运输船只按卖方通知到达装运港而卖方未能按规定及时将货物备妥待运,那么卖方应承担由此产生的空舱费及滞期费。 更详细进入...
If Seller has not been enjoined from selling such goods to Buyer, Seller may (at Seller's sole election), at Buyer's request, supply such goods to Buyer, in which event Buyer shall be deemed to extend to Seller the same patent indemnity hereinabove stated
中文: 如果卖方还没有被禁止向买方销售该等物品,应买方请求,卖方可以(仅由卖方酌定)向买方供应该等物品,在此情况下,买方应被视为向卖方做出与本合同上文所述相同的专利补偿保证。 更详细进入...
If a man sells a house in a walled city, he retains the right of redemption a full year after its sale. During that time he may redeem it.
中文: 29人若卖城内的住宅,卖了以后,一年之内可以赎回,在一整年,必有赎回的权柄。 更详细进入...
Instrinsically there is no difference between a male public relation workerand a woman prostituteinasmuch as both trade sex for money or other benefits.
中文: 中文解释:“男公关”与“卖淫女”在本质上没有什么区别,都是靠出卖身体换取利益。 更详细进入...
The pair can then strike a deal without moving markets, having to fragment orders, or going through a bank.
中文: 买卖双方接着就可以达成交易,同时不会影响市场、不必分拆卖单或通过银行。 更详细进入...
94 Our policy is not to grant exclusivity.
中文: 我们的方针是不授与专卖权。 更详细进入...
A peddler or dealer of cheap goods.
中文: 小贩卖廉价货的小贩或商人 更详细进入...
And Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed Him.
中文: 19和出卖耶稣的加略人犹大。 更详细进入...
Do you know these shirts are on a half price selling.
中文: 你知道这些衬衫都卖半价吗? 更详细进入...
Do you know all these shirt are in 50% discount?
中文: 你知道这些衬衫都卖半价吗? 更详细进入...
Do you know these shirts are all sell half price?
中文: 你知道这些衬衫都卖半价吗? 更详细进入...