A Preliminary Analysis on Population Viability for Black-and-white Snub-nosed Monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti)
中文: 黑白仰鼻猴种群生存力初步分析 更详细进入...
Before her guests arrived, the hostess had put her house in apple-pie order.
中文: 女主人在客人到来之前将她的屋子收拾得整整齐齐。 更详细进入...
Don't give up hope. Its time to pick up the pieces and move on to the next ch allenge.
中文: 别放弃希望。现在该是收拾残局,迎向另一挑战的时候。 更详细进入...
It is greatly to your credit that you gave back the money you found; your honesty does you credit.
中文: 你拾金不昧是非常难能可贵的;你很诚实,应该受表扬。 更详细进入...
Pick up your bundle from the ground, You who dwell under siege!
中文: 耶10:17受围困的人哪、当收拾你的财物、从国中带出去。 更详细进入...
Shall I send a bellboy up to your room for collecting your luggage when you check out?
中文: 当您退房时,我可以派一个服务生来帮您收拾行李嘛? 更详细进入...
The figure 8 response allows the front and back of the diaphragm to be active but not the sides.
中文: 8字指向只能拾到振膜前后方的声音,而左右的不行。 更详细进入...
I started at 8:00 pm after I prepared something, just like a song said With a little Bit Vagrant Gladness, passed Dou Men, rode in Huang Yang Highway, and got at Jiang Men city, and then arrived at Ya Men Ferry, the river were hazy, I could not see the ri
中文: 收拾东收拾西收拾到8点半终于出发了,如同歌里所唱的“带着点流浪的喜悦”,过斗门,走黄杨大道,来到江门市,不久就来到崖门渡口,烟雾笼罩着江面,一片朦胧,看不真切,这个冬天广东的天气实在是潮透顶了。 更详细进入...
The book that offers a plausible scenario for that has yet to be written.
中文: 书中提到了一个似是而非的方案,而且还是拾人牙慧。 更详细进入...
The horse wallow in the rank grass; the children run about to gather stick for the fire.
中文: 马儿纵乐於茂密的青草中;孩子们跑来跑去拾柴生火。 更详细进入...
The janitor made quick work of the mess.
中文: 管理员干脆利落地收拾完了那一堆乱七八糟的东西。 更详细进入...
Become in this problem before irremediable, he thinks of a method to prevent.
中文: 在这个问题变得不可收拾之前,他想到一个方法阻止。 更详细进入...
Sometimes I just want to pack up and leave, but I don't know where to go.
中文: 有时候我真想收拾一下离开,可是我不知道该去哪里。 更详细进入...
These wait all upon thee; that thou mayest give them their meat in due season.
中文: 诗104:28你给他们、他们便拾起来.你张手、他们饱得美食。 更详细进入...
You give to them, they gather it up; You open Your hand, they are satisfied with good.
中文: 诗104:28你给他们、他们便拾起来.你张手、他们饱得美食。 更详细进入...
[indent]25.[/indent]Don't clean your desk. You might find something in the morning that you can't see tonight.
中文: 不要收拾桌面.,也许早上你会发现昨晚没发现的东西. 更详细进入...
Few of us take the pains to study our cherished convictions; indeed, we almost have a natural ignorance of doing so.
中文: 我们少有人费力去研究自身早就喜爱的信仰;事实上,我们对这一做法几乎采取一种本能的忽略(费力去研究)行为。 更详细进入...
In the Top viewport, select the handle and the button. Mirror the surfaces, using Object Snap ‘Mid.
中文: 在俯视图中,选择手柄及按钮,选择目标捕捉中点,对面进行镜像。 更详细进入...
Second, stretch both arms and cross them on the back of the seat in front of you, step on the floor with your feet firmly.
中文: 第二种:两臂伸直交叉,紧抓前面座椅靠背,头俯下,双脚用力蹬地。 更详细进入...
Because we two reject other.
中文: 085因为你我拒绝了其他的仰慕者。 更详细进入...