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    We specialize in all kind of sports wear and ski-wear, targeted for the European market to be sold in departmental stores and sports chain stores.

    中文: 公司营业项目,包括滑雪衣、登山服、羽绒服等专业运动服饰,主要行销市场遍及欧洲与美国各地知名百货公司的运动用品连锁专卖店。 更详细进入...
    We will reform management systems, increase funding and improve economic policy to encourage and support accelerated development of services, particularly modern services such as logistics, finance, information, consulting, tourism and community services.

    中文: 要从改革体制、加大投入、完善政策等方面,鼓励和支持服务业加快发展,尤其要发展物流、金融、信息、咨询、旅游、社区服务等现代服务业。 更详细进入...
    Party A shall provide labor safety and hygiene education for Party B in order to prevent the industrial accident and reduce the occupational hazards.

    中文: 甲方对乙方进行劳动安全卫生教育,防止劳动过程中的事故,减少职业危害。 更详细进入...
    A team consisting of 100 doctoral degree students will go to the west to provide free technical services for local enterprises there.

    中文: 一支由100名博士生组成的队伍将奔赴西部为当地的企业免费提供技术服务。 更详细进入...
    It hoped that this study helps facilitate the learning of core values, fosters respect for life and encourages self expression in the nursing profession.

    中文: 希望能促进个人价值观的学习,尊重生命,真情地发挥自我于护理专业的服务。 更详细进入...
    SCALEON GMBH CO KG offers information to Financial service in addition to Management consultancy/Consulting.

    中文: SCALEON GMBH CO KG是一家可靠的、知名的生产商和服务商,该公司提供很多令人震惊的产品,例如财政服务,企业咨询/顾问。 更详细进入...
    Article 43 Coal mining enterprises must provide the workers with the necessary articles to guarantee safety in production.

    中文: 第四十三条煤矿企业必须为职工提供保障安全生产所需的劳动保护用品。 更详细进入...
    Establish and improve the file management and program on production safety, environmental protection, Occupation health, fire management with 3 Methode Shanghai plants.

    中文: 负责建立、完善迈梭3家工厂安全生产、环保、职业健康、消防管理文件和程序。 更详细进入...
    Fang Yuan Tie Yi is a professional enterprise in foundry、vendition、design、installation.

    中文: 方圆铁艺是一家集铸造、销售、设计、安装于一体的专业企业。 更详细进入...
    Aims: Providing services to enhancing the quality of the young rural entrepreneurs as well as boosting the member enterprise economic returns, improving the prosperity of the Chinese rural economy and the devil orpiment of the society.

    中文: 协会宗旨是:为提高乡镇企业青年厂长(经理)的素质服务,为提高会员企事业经济效益服务,为促进中国农村经济繁荣和社会发展服务。 更详细进入...
    The firm is a leader in investment banking, financial services for consumers and businesses, financial transaction processing, asset and wealth management, and private equity.

    中文: 我们是投资银行业、金融服务业、金融业务、资产和财富管理、私有股份的带头人。 更详细进入...
    Operators shall follow the regulations on fire control safety and adopt corresponding measures on fire control safety.

    中文: 作业人员应当遵守消防安全规定,并采取相应的消防安全措施。 更详细进入...
    Are commodity capacity providers, supporting the geographically expansion of 1PL and facilitating logistics services for the 1PL, e.g. trucking companies.

    中文: 日用品生产商,支持第一方物流的地域扩张,促进其物流服务,如卡车运输企业。 更详细进入...
    The enterprise shall have the right to accept or reject production assignments given by any department or unit outside the mandatory plans.

    中文: 企业有权接受或者拒绝任何部门和单位在指令性计划外安排的生产任务。 更详细进入...
    The Club has a professional service team for extending wonderful services to our members and guests.

    中文: 俱乐部拥有一支餐饮服务专业队伍,随时为您提供尽善尽美的服务。 更详细进入...
    This article is to search for the proper method to deal with professional ennui through analyzing factors such as its character and influences in the career of hook management.

    中文: 通过揭示图书管理职业倦怠的表现形式、发生特点及影响因素,诠释如何克服职业倦怠的支持与调适方法。 更详细进入...
    In particular, we should bear in mind the idea of gaining survival, development and economic returns through offering servicesto effectively improve the service and management standard of BCC, making it the wings for another round of business boom for BCC

    中文: 通过企业转型,我们尤其要树立起“以服务求生存,以服务求发展,向服务要效益”的观念,扎扎实实提高北京通信的服务水平和管理水平,使之成为北京通信再次腾飞的双翼。 更详细进入...
    The various forms of cooperative economy in the cities and towns, such as those in the handicraft, industrial, building, transport, commercial and service trades, all belong to the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working peop

    中文: 城镇中的手工业、工业、建筑业、运输业、商业、服务业等行业的各种形式的合作经济,都是社会主义劳动群众集体所有制经济。 更详细进入...
    Taiwan sole ownership, workshop area is approximately 85,000 square meters, is and existing staff 14,000 people; This company has provided the security service continual four years for this project, In provides in the service process, Always obtains owner

    中文: 台湾独资,厂房面积约8.5万平方米,现有员工1.4万人;本公司已为该项目提供保安服务连续四年,在提供服务过程中,一直得到业主的高度评价;我司保安人员多次为该公司挽回经济损失,最高一次高达40万元.该项目配备保安人员60名。 更详细进入...
    Through the discussion, as the beneficial supplement of the big traditional agriculture resettlement way, the non-agricultural resettlement way is the mode which should be explored and attempted.

    中文: 探讨结果表明,非农业安置方式可作为传统大农业安置方式的有益补充,是可以探索和尝试的模式。 更详细进入...

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