National forests are areas like the great redwood forests of the Pacific Northwest.
中文: 国家森林自成区域,如西北部太平洋沿岸的红木森林区。 更详细进入...
Each activity has its time.
中文: 此所谓,万事万物皆有其时。 更详细进入...
It has 5.54 million ha of arable land, 5.85 million ha of grassland and 8.05 million ha of forests.
中文: 共拥有耕地554万公顷,草地584万公顷,林地805万公顷。 更详细进入...
An impenetrable fortress.
中文: 无法通过的森林 更详细进入...
The hurricane flattened the forest.
中文: 飓风夷平了森林。 更详细进入...
The tourists traveled through the forest.
中文: 旅游者穿过森林。 更详细进入...
Hoping to snatch the $650,000 prize, Stephen Makinwa was thrown on following an uninspired first half, combining with Tommaso Rocchi for a strike that thumped the woodwork.
中文: 怀揣着获得65万美圆的奖金的梦想,马金瓦在上半场形如梦游,而罗基则将梦想击在了门柱上. 更详细进入...
In the single celebration the Emperor Trajan presented 10,000 gladiators, slaves and criminals doomed to savage combat for the amusement of Romans.
中文: 光是一次庆典活动,图拉真皇帝就祭出万名斗士、奴隶与罪犯,在野蛮格斗中战死,以娱罗马人民。 更详细进入...
The king said to them, Take with you the servants of your lord, and have my son Solomon ride on my own mule, and bring him down to Gihon.
中文: 王上1:34在那里祭司撒督、和先知拿单要膏他作以色列的王.你们也要吹角、说、愿所罗门王万岁。 更详细进入...
Forest : The Forest rule has been rewritten. See the Alphabetical Reference for the new rule.
中文: 森林::森林地带的规则已被修正.参考后面的字母排序表. 更详细进入...
Every day, every night, for all that time, carbon with exactly the same composition of that in present-day microorganisms rained down to the bottom of a deep ocean, Rosing explains.
中文: 罗辛解释,在这百万年中,每日每夜,与今日微生物体内成份相同的碳,如雨点般降落到深海底部。 更详细进入...
Appollo stood for[5] youth and manly beauty.His golden hair and magnific manner made him very attractive.
中文: 阿波罗象征着青春和阳刚之美。他金色的头发和庄重的神态使他非常具有非凡的魅力。 更详细进入...
If you can imagine, in Brazil alone, over 5 million people are employed in the cultivation and harvesting of over 3 billion coffee plants.
中文: 可以想象出,仅仅在巴西,就有五百多万人从事种植和收获,而咖啡树的数量达到30亿棵之巨。 更详细进入...
Germany captain Ballack soon headed the second after the ball was nodded over by Ivory Coast skipper Didier Drogba.
中文: 在象牙海岸的船长德罗巴头球摆渡之后德国的领头人巴拉克用头顶进了第二粒进球. 更详细进入...
Like the pillars at the entrance of an ancient Roman ruin, a stand of baobab trees s a dirt road in Madagascar.
中文: 马达加斯加的一条土路边矗立着几颗猴面包树,看上去象是古罗马遗迹入口处的石柱。 更详细进入...
The main impression I got from the museum's displays was that the period was a mixed blessing.
中文: 瓦萨斯特罗姆说,他从这个蜡像博物馆得到的印象是,这个时期是一个好坏参半的时期。 更详细进入...
During that time, he took more than 24,000 digital photos from his one-of-a-kind vantage point in orbit.
中文: 其间,他借助自己独一无二的有利位置,拍摄了超过2.4万幅关于地球和太空景象的数码照片。 更详细进入...
Crimson Forest Films provides in-house content development, funding, pre-production and post production services.Our strength is both our creative vision and professionalism.
中文: 可里木森林提供剧本,筹备资金,以及前期后期制作等服务。我们的实力源于创造性的想象力及专业的精神。 更详细进入...
For Roy E. Disney, whose uncle, Walt Disney, created the character, Mickey Mouse is 'this friendly little guy,' which were Walt's words for describing him.
中文: 对于罗伊·E·迪斯尼来说,米老鼠是“‘一个友好的小家伙’,沃尔特就是这样来形容它的。”罗伊的叔叔就是米老鼠形象的创造者沃尔特·迪斯尼。 更详细进入...
But there(they) have also been ads like the one in Florida accusing a Republican congressman of profiting from a so-called drug deal.
中文: 但是也有这样的广告,象佛罗里达州的状告一名共和党议员从所谓的“毒品交易”中得利。 更详细进入...