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    Well , I'm not,’ said Scarlett impatiently. ‘You fetch me my shawl .

    中文: “不,我没有,”斯卡利特焦急地说。“你去拿我的披肩。” 更详细进入...
    The acute toxicity of 1 methyl-3-octylimidazolium bromide to Daphnia magna at different developmental stages

    中文: 离子液体[C8mim]Br对不同日龄大型溞的急性毒性 更详细进入...
    A sharp tightening of credit, expected after years of easy money, may yet wreak havoc.

    中文: 急剧的信用紧缩,在数年后的宽松借贷之后所预期的,可能将产生浩劫。 更详细进入...
    To our great surprise, we saw that the resistance of the superlattice increased dramatically when we strengthened the magnetic field.

    中文: 结果大出意料之外,随著磁场的增强,我们看到超晶格的电阻急遽增加。 更详细进入...
    I can't wait to find out what's going to happen next in our campaign.

    中文: 我等不急想知道接下来的剧情会发生什麽事。 更详细进入...
    The acute toxicity of nitrate is in this instance of only peripheral importance.

    中文: 硝酸盐的急性毒性在这里不显得那么重要了。 更详细进入...
    When he dashed back, he was already out of breath.

    中文: 当他急速跑回来时,他已经是上气不接下气了。 更详细进入...
    He has an edgy temper.

    中文: 他性情急躁。 更详细进入...
    A contractual joint venture shall, within 30 days of its establishment, carry out tax registration with the tax authorities.

    中文: 合作企业应当自成立之日起三十天内向税务机关办理税务登记。 更详细进入...
    Nowadays, with the rapid development of modern cities, many conflicts unavoidably occur between city modernization and historic cultural landscape conservation.

    中文: 摘要当前,在城市化急速发展的背景下,城市现代化建设同历史文化保护之间不可避免地存在着许多矛盾。 更详细进入...
    Anyone with the right knowledge can give first aid.

    中文: 任何具备一定急救知识的人都可以进行急救。 更详细进入...
    Study on the Acute and Subacute Toxicities of TPTC on Carassius auratus

    中文: 氯化三苯基锡对鲫的急性和亚急性毒性研究 更详细进入...
    It has many outstanding result when Lin Yao-zhi and Shen Yu-gui have been presiding, which cultivates a great deal of imperative talent for Westernization Movement.

    中文: 中西书院在林乐知、沈毓桂主持期间颇有成效,为洋务运动培养了一大批急需的人才。 更详细进入...
    Q:How have you prioritized or juggled your workload in your current job?

    中文: 问:在你目前的工作中,你是如何对工作任务的轻重缓急排序并用什么措施来处理的? 更详细进入...
    The roles of the above three factors in leading highly creativity when employees with job dissatisfaction were discussed.

    中文: 最后,并针对将工作不满意转化为创造力之情境因素进行探讨以提出对后续研究与实务应用之建议。 更详细进入...
    One of our first tasks was to address the texturing system.

    中文: 我们的首要任务之一是设计贴图系统。 更详细进入...
    One ought to put public service before self.

    中文: 一个人应该把公众服务摆在自身之前。 更详细进入...
    My duties will end in July and I will be returning to Shanghai.

    中文: 我的任务在7月结束,之后我会回上海。 更详细进入...
    Therefore, leveling will be a must in order to complete some quests.

    中文: 因此,升级是完成一些任务的必经之路。 更详细进入...
    We should be aware of the financial risks before committing ourselves.

    中文: 我们承诺之前应先注意财务上的风险。 更详细进入...

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