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When he dashed back, he was already out of breath.

When he came to, he went back to the Hou farm and bought the hen and her brood for a high price. 当他醒来后,他去侯家用高价买下了那只母鸡和它的小鸡。
When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor. 只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用他的魅力和风趣将这人争取过来。
When he comes back from donating blood, he giggles and pulls out the thank youcookie for me. 去义务献血,回来笑嘻嘻掏出一块“福利饼干”给我尝。
When he could not find work, he played his guitar, even after losing part of his middle finger in an accident in 1956. 当他找不到工作的时候他就弹吉他,甚至在1956年因一场事故失去了部分中指后他仍然坚持弹奏。
When he couldn't get what he wanted openly and honestly, he resorted to low cunning. 他用光明正大的方法得不到的东西, 就采取卑鄙的欺诈手段.
When he dashed back, he was already out of breath. 当他急速跑回来时,他已经是上气不接下气了。
When he delivers the animal to the priest to be examined, he is pleased when his own judgement of its worthiness is confirmed. 当他将这个动物拿给祭司去检查的时候,祭司接纳了这个动物,这个人为他自己对这个动物是否配作祭物的正确判断而高兴。
When he died Lucy thought it befitting to spread his ashes in the back yard, the place where he had spent countless hours. 但是一段时间过后,露西确信她丈夫又回到了他的小院。
When he died in 1862, many people in Concord considered him to be a failure. 他写道:「如果一个人不能追随同伴的脚步,或许这是因为他信服的是不同的鼓声。
When he died, he would always be remembered as the lucky man who had won millions from an American publishing company. 在他死的时候,人们总要提起他是一名幸运儿,曾获得一家美国出版公司的数百万美元大奖。
When he discovered the police were after him, he did a moonlight flit. 当他发现警察正在找他,他....怎样了?

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