WINKEL, Netherlands (Reuters) - Using forklifts, Dutch cheesemakers turned over a thick slab of Dutch cheese weighing nearly 600 kg (1,320 lb) on Tuesday, hoping to claim the title for the world‘s largest cheese.
中文: 周二,荷兰的干酪师们在起重机的帮助下将厚厚的一块荷兰干酪翻了一面,这块干酪重大600公斤,干酪师们希望它能成为世界上最大的干酪。 更详细进入...
Good appearance, uniform. Dark green rind with black veins. Single fruit weight is 5.0kg. Yellow flesh. No Hollow heartBix 13%. Hard rind, extra long shelf time and good shipping.
中文: 生育强健,座果整齐,果实椭圆型且饱满,果皮墨绿色底狭黑条纹,果重约5.0公斤。肉黄色,肉质脆爽,不易空心,糖度约13%。果皮坚韧,耐贮运。 更详细进入...
Good appearance, uniform. Dark green rind with black veins. Single fruit weight is 5.0kg. Red flesh. No Hollow heartBix 13%. Hard rind, extra long shelf time and good shipping.
中文: 生育强健,座果整齐,果实椭圆型且饱满,果皮墨绿色底狭黑条纹,果重约5.0公斤。肉红色,肉质脆爽,不易空心,糖度约13%。果皮坚韧,耐贮运。 更详细进入...
BMI is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared. A BMI between 20-25 in normal, 25-30 is pre-obese and more than 30 is obese.
中文: 体重指数(BMI)的计算方法是用体重(公斤)除以身高(米)再进行平方。体重指数在20-25之间为“正常”,在25-30之间为“肥胖前期”,大于30则为“肥胖”。 更详细进入...
Aiming at stress analysis of dip angle fully mechanized top-coal caving support in mining, from the technique of designing and mining, put forward technique measurements: reduce gap of support beam; increase the inter-frame jack in neighboring support bea
中文: 针对大倾角放顶煤支架在开采过程中的受力情况,提出了防止液压支架倾倒的技术措施是:①减少支架顶梁间隙;②在邻架顶梁间增设调架千斤顶。 更详细进入...
Compared to traditional farmer practice, application of 138-120-300 kg N-P2O5 -K2O/ha increased watermelon yield by 24%.
中文: 施100-100-100公斤N-P2O5-K2O/公顷时辣椒的产量最高,达24吨/公顷,其投入产出比达到10.3(肥料每投入1元可收回10.3元),这种处理是相当经济可行的。 更详细进入...
The factory becomes stock system enterprise in 1997 , now company area cover about 80000 square meters , producing area is 70000 square meters , built area is about 30000 square meters, Employee living area is about 7000 square meters, and 6 employee dorm
中文: 公司从1988年开始生产千斤顶,现有员工近800人,设有剪切、冲压、电焊、金工、前处理(电镀、磷化)、喷漆、组装等工种10个车间,具有汽车起重工具系列产品的生产能力,是行业内工种较为齐全、制造能力较强的企业。 更详细进入...
Packing: double layers,25kgs for each bag, polyethylene film bag for inner layer, fastened with nylon equal wire, plastic woven bag for outer layer,sritched with Nylon or equal wire.
中文: 包装:双层包装,每袋25公斤。内袋采用聚乙烯塑料薄膜袋,用尼龙绳或质量相当的绳扎口。外袋采用塑料编织袋,用尼龙升或质量相当的线缝口。 更详细进入...
Some twenty Neapolitan pastry chefs, using 3,000 kilos of chocolate, have been working around the clock to create the world's largest chocolate nativity scene to be unveiled on December 4 in a Christmas fair in Naples.
中文: 约二十名那不勒斯糕点师傅利用三千公斤朱古力,日夜制造全球最大的朱古力耶稣诞生塑像,以赶及十二月四日在当地圣诞展览会中展出。 更详细进入...
The end products are brownish, bittersweet glycosylamine and melanoidins— which give rise to coffee's dominant taste—along with carbon dioxide (up to 12 liters per kilogram of roasted coffee).
中文: 最终产物是黄褐色、苦中带甜的醣胺及类黑色素(咖啡主要味道的来源),以及二氧化碳(每烘焙出一公斤的咖啡豆,可产生高达12公升的二氧化碳)。 更详细进入...
Or we might identify more specific personal objectives such as Reduce my weight by 20 pounds by the end of June, or Learn to speak a foreign language fluently before my summer holidays, or Obtain promotion within 12 months.For each of these specific objec
中文: 或者我们可以辨识更特定的个人目标,如「在六月底前减重20公斤」、或「在暑假之前学会流利地说一种外国语言」、或是「在12个月内获得晋升」等;对每个这些特定目标,我们便可以应用风险管理程序来帮我们达成。 更详细进入...
It took an hour and a half for 120-kg Romina to be tranquilized, allowing the surgeon to make an incision through the cornea before breaking up the cataract with ultrasound and inserting the silicon lens.
中文: 为这只体重达120公斤的大猩猩进行麻醉花费了一个半小时的时间,之后医生才能在它的角膜上打开切口,然后用超声波将白内障粉碎,镶入硅制镜片。 更详细进入...
Pepper, the acreage more than 50 acres, is expected to reach 800---900 acres varieties of capsicum frutescens var. Luster. brightly-colored, air-dried amaranth, area yield 300 kilograms, the annual mid-October : time to market sales.
中文: 辣椒,种植面积50余亩,预计明年达到800---900亩,品种为朝天椒,有光泽,色泽鲜艳,晾干后为紫红色,亩产量达到300公斤,上市时间:每年的十月中旬开始销售。 更详细进入...
The passage width of that equipments is 1520 millimeters of, the height is 1810, it is low apart from the ground that transmission take in 315, biggest accept heavy attain 2000 kilograms, is airport, maritime customs, station, port, warehouse etc. the pla
中文: 该设备的通道宽度为1520毫米、高度为1810毫米,传送带距地面低于315毫米,最大承重达到2000公斤,是机场、海关、车站、港口、仓库等场所检查超大件物品的理想设备。 更详细进入...
HAMBURG,Germany——The sounds of 40 kilos of finely tuned cucumbers,leeks,potatoes,radishes,peppers,aubergines and marrows entertained a German audience at the weekend in a concert by the first Viennese Vegetable Orchestra.
中文: 德国汉堡:上周末,由第一个维纳斯蔬菜乐队举办的音乐会上,经过完美修整的40公斤重的黄瓜,韭葱,土豆,萝卜,辣椒,茄子和葫芦乐器令德国听众享受到了美妙的音乐。 更详细进入...
Major branch knot melon, one section one melon, and the melon is long 35 - 40 centimeters, straightens short melon, no tail yellow line, the bright green meat and skin, and commodity nature is good, high frost-resistant mildew, powdery mildew, black heart
中文: 主枝结瓜为主,一节一瓜,瓜长35—40厘米,把短瓜直,无尾部黄线,绿皮绿肉颜色光泽亮丽,商品性佳,高抗霜霉病、白粉病、黑心病及病毒病,亩产一万公斤左右,春秋露地均可种植。 更详细进入...
NORWICH, Conn. - Oh baby! Marie Michel's fifth child was one for the record books. Michel gave birth to a 14-pound, 13-ounce boy Tuesday at William W. Backus Hospital.
中文: 本周二,在美国康涅狄格州威廉·W·贝克斯医院,一位名叫玛丽·米歇尔的妇女产下了一个重大14磅13盎司(约合6.7公斤)的男孩。这是米歇尔的这第5个孩子,它打破了最重新生儿的纪录。 更详细进入...
Plant high 60cm. Green leaves. Root length is 50-70cm, with maximum diameter 9,5cm. White flesh and smooth. Single radish weighs 3-5kg. 80-90 days harvest.
中文: 叶簇半直立,株高60厘米,叶色绿,叶面有刺毛,裂叶。肉质根圆形,尾部尖,长50-70厘米。最大横径9.5厘米。有二分之一露出地面,皮肉均白色,表面滑,侧根少,单个重3-5公斤,生长期80-90天。 更详细进入...
Conventional approaches to compact hydrogen storage—compressing the gas to up to 10,000 pounds per square inch (psi) or cooling it down to cryogenic temperatures so that it liquefies (around -252 degrees Celsius)—can attain only about half the energy dens
中文: 一般压缩氢气储存槽所使用的方式,是将气体压缩使压力达到每平方公尺700万公斤重,或是冷却到将近-252℃使之液化,但这只能达到所需能量密度的一半,无法将整个气瓶充满。 更详细进入...
Foreign entries sent with over-sized hard containers exceeding 90cm in length, width and depth combined or weighing more than 2 kg will not be returned in accordance with local postal regulations for “printed matter” mails, unless an extra return postage
中文: 海外参加者作品,己装裱或硬包装的长宽厚三者合计超过90厘米或重量超过两公斤,除非预付额外(包裹)邮费美金10元(平邮)否则将根据本国印刷品包裹的邮政条例不予退回. 更详细进入...