We were poor and alone in the world.
中文: 在这个世界上我们既穷又孤单. 更详细进入...
But it is not just diabetes that is hitting Britain`s poor hardest: Women from poorer communities have a 50-percent higher obesity rate than their more advantaged peers, and people from disadvantaged backgrounds are 50 percent more likely to smoke, with a
中文: 但是向英国最贫穷地屈袭来的并不仅仅是糖尿病:贫穷地区的妇女患肥胖症的几率比富人区高50%,而且来自贫穷地区人吸烟的可能性也比富人区高50%,他们都要忍受由吸烟的习惯带来的健康问题的困扰。 更详细进入...
Help those incapable of taking care of their personal affairs.
中文: 另外,尽可能为那些无力料理好个人事务的人提供帮助。 更详细进入...
There is every reason for society to undertake programs that grapple with these problems.
中文: 社会确实没有任何理由不尽一切努力解决好这些问题。 更详细进入...
There was now no reason for him to stay on the farm, and he resolved to get away as soon as he could.
中文: 他再也没有理由呆在农场了,随即人决定尽快远走他乡。 更详细进入...
At GB, credit is a cost effective weapon to fight poverty and it serves as a catalyst in the overall development of socio-economic conditions of the poor who have been kept outside the banking orbit on the ground that they are poor and hence not bankable,
中文: 诺贝尔和平奖评审委员会说:“在格拉明乡村银行,信用是消除贫穷的有效武器,穷人因为穷而被排斥在银行大门之外而无法获得银行贷款,因此信用是穷人在社会经济全面发展中的资本。” 更详细进入...
2 If doses sufficient to cause paralysis are administered to animals, then anaesthesia and artificial entilation will also be required, which may exert their own effects and so risk obscuring any toxic action.
中文: 强效神经肌肉阻断剂的毒性试验代表了一种平衡,即在物质药理作用增强的实验性局限性和毒理学家想要用尽可能大的剂量以发现该物质任何潜在的能引起不合需要的反应之间的平衡。 更详细进入...
Management representative become qualified for the right of interpretation and harmonization.
中文: 本手册的解释权及未尽事宜的协调权,属于管理者代表。 更详细进入...
Veteran and middle - aged scientists are important, and so are young ones.
中文: 例5.就我们国家来讲,首先是要摆脱贫穷。要摆脱贫穷,就要找出一条比较快的发展道路。 更详细进入...
Most blues feature simple, usually three-chord, progressions and have simple structures that are open to endless improvisations, both lyrical and musical.
中文: 大多数布鲁斯乐的特点是简单的,通常是三和弦的和弦级进,而在词作和音乐上的简单结构则对于无穷无尽的即兴敞开了大门。 更详细进入...
Though they are malleable, these standards at least give some minimal (though, in my view, insufficient) guidance.
中文: 尽管他们具有可塑性,但这些标准至少提供了一定程度的保证(尽管在我看来,这是不够的)。 更详细进入...
A precise definition of poverty is actually very difficult to determine . Where does one draw the line between those who are poor and those who are not ?
中文: 对贫困的精确定义实际上是很难的。如何在贫穷和非贫穷的人之间划一条界限呢? 更详细进入...
Someone once asked me, if suddenly the need for your work among the poorest of the poor ceased to exist, what would you do with the rest of your life?
中文: 有人问我,如果对你在穷人的穷人中工作的需求突然停止了,你的余生将怎样度过? 更详细进入...
You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision.
中文: 你是一个偏差的偶然性,是尽管我竭尽全力,仍不能消除的影响数学精度和谐的一个偏差。 更详细进入...
Although females may give birth to two young, usually only one survives.
中文: 尽管雌性可以产生2个幼仔,通常仅仅幸存一个。 更详细进入...
Backward methods of agriculture and an inequitable distribution of distribution are the main reasons why two-thirds of the country's poor can be found in the rural areas.
中文: 落后的农业生产方式与分配的不平等是菲律宾2/3穷人在农村地区存在着的主要理由。 更详细进入...
The Physiological Characteristic and Index of Human
中文: 人的生理特性与生理指标 更详细进入...
There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.
中文: 11原来那地上的穷人永不断绝。所以我吩咐你说,总要向你地上困苦穷乏的弟兄松开手。 更详细进入...
Who is made, not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life.
中文: 16他成为祭司,并不是照属肉体的条例,乃是照无穷之生命的大能。(无穷原文作不能毁坏)。 更详细进入...
A nice wife and a back door, do often make a rich man poor.
中文: 妻子气派仆人偷,百万富翁也变穷. 更详细进入...