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    Research Interests: Surface science; Semi-conductor physics, Scanning tunneling microscopy, Surface atomic and molecular dynamics; Mechanism of epitaxial growth.

    中文: 研究兴趣:表面科学、半导体物理、扫描穿隧显微术、表面原子、分子动态学、磊晶成长机制。 更详细进入...
    She was born at two o'clock in the morning September eighth 1980 .

    中文: 226她生于一九八零年九月八日凌晨两点钟。 更详细进入...
    13 Sir,your baggage is 10 kilos overweight ,I am afraid you have to pay for excess baggage .

    中文: 先生您的行李超重10公斤,您需为超重的行李付费。 更详细进入...
    Still, all in all, I hear he is a kilo fatter today than he was yesterday.

    中文: 但是最重要的是,我听说他今天比昨天肥了1公斤。 更详细进入...
    He was rude, I was half asleep.

    中文: 他很粗鲁,我半睡半醒的。 更详细进入...
    The half dolphin and half whale did not survive.

    中文: 半海豚半鲸鱼并未存活。 更详细进入...
    It took an hour and a half for 120-kg Romina to be tranquilized, allowing the surgeon to make an incision through the cornea before breaking up the cataract with ultrasound and inserting the silicon lens.

    中文: 为这只体重达120公斤的大猩猩进行麻醉花费了一个半小时的时间,之后医生才能在它的角膜上打开切口,然后用超声波将白内障粉碎,镶入硅制镜片。 更详细进入...
    Wash mackeral and wipe dry. Brush seasoning onto both sides of mackeral and marinate for 1/2 hour.

    中文: 制法:1.鲛鱼洗净,抹乾水,用腌料搽匀鱼的两面,最少腌半小时。 更详细进入...
    A fish dealer named Tsai, who has been going crazy lately as the wholesale price of milkfish has plummeted to about NT$28, says with exasperation: Milkfish used to be a very expensive item, which people only got when recovering from an operation or after

    中文: 最近为了虱目鱼的批价一斤已经降到二十八元左右的成本价而伤透脑筋的蔡姓业者感慨地表示:「过去虱目鱼是很高贵的东西,开刀和坐月子的人才吃的。 更详细进入...
    Article 18 A trade union shall assist and provide guidance to workers signing labour contracts with the enterprise or public institution's administrative authority.

    中文: 第十八条工会帮助、指导职工与企业、事业单位行政方面签订劳动合同。 更详细进入...
    Bring to boil and turn to med-low heat. Add star aniseeds and water (cover the flank beef) to cook the flank beef for 2 hours until it becomes tender.

    中文: 改用中慢火炆,放入八角及水(水深至覆盖牛腩面),炆两小时至牛腩酥烂。 更详细进入...
    You were coming at me from all sides! My reach wasn't much help there.

    中文: 「你真是从四面八方攻过来啊!我自夸的攻击距离实在派不上什麽用场。」 更详细进入...
    My office phone number is 268-8064 extension 321.

    中文: 我的办公室电话是二六八八零**分机三二一. 更详细进入...
    After (1) 68 years' waiting, and (2) leaping over a distance of 10 000 km, finally and happily, 1 plus 1 equalled 3 on Sunday the 21st January 2001. 3weighed 3.5 kg, cried as melodiously as black 1sang, and looked most loveable, (3) cuddlesome and bright.

    中文: 等待六十八年,跨越一万公里,一加一终于在二零零一年一月二十一日幸福地等于三.“三”净重七斤,其声优美动听,犹如“黑发一”引亢高歌之声.“三”聪明伶俐,人见人人爱. 更详细进入...
    Altogether, between 1866 and 1888, some six million head of cattle were driven up from Texas to winter on the high plains of Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana.

    中文: 在一八六六年至一八八八年间,总共大约有六百万头牛从德州放牧到科罗拉多、怀俄明、蒙大拿等地的高原上过冬。 更详细进入...
    I took the news with a grain of salt.

    中文: 我对这个消息半信半疑。 更详细进入...
    Double white star. Variegated green and white, plain. Semiminiature.

    中文: 重瓣白色星型花。绿色和白色组合的斑叶,平坦叶面。半迷你型。 更详细进入...
    Medium green, pointed, glossy, hairy, scalloped/red back. Semiminiature.

    中文: 中绿色一般型叶,叶面光滑多毛,扇子状,有红色叶背。半迷你型。 更详细进入...
    The other team, holding the whip hand, seemed to relax midway through the first half.

    中文: 另一支球队控制了场面,所以整个上半场的比赛显得很轻松。 更详细进入...
    You do talk a load of shit!

    中文: 你胡说八道! 更详细进入...

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