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She was born at two o'clock in the morning September eighth 1980 .

She was bombed out during the war, and had to live with my mother. 在战争期间她被炸得无家可归,只好和我母亲同住。
She was born and bred a Catholic. 她一出生就受到天主教的熏陶.
She was born and raised in Delaware. 她在特拉华出生和成长。
She was born and raised in Delaware. She holds one degree in English and another in elementary education. 她生长在Delaware,她有一个英语学位和一个小学教育学位。
She was born at Roslin Institute near Edinburgh in 1996, but died in 2003 after developing arthritis. 不过2003年时,多利因患有严重的关节炎死亡了。
She was born at two o'clock in the morning September eighth 1980 . 226她生于一九八零年九月八日凌晨两点钟。
She was born in America. 她出生于美国。
She was born is Saigon, or Ho Chi Minh City as it is now called. 她出生在西贡,就是现在所说的胡志明市.
She was born of humble parentage. 她出生卑贱。
She was born on August the fourth. 她出生于八月四日。
She was born to ask for trouble by herself. 她生来喜欢自寻烦恼。

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