This thesis, in allusion to the increasing corruption phenomenon at present, after analysis on the economic root for corruption existence from the point of economic cost-incomemodel and also on the cost-incomemath model constructed for the corruptionists,
中文: 摘要针对当前日益严重的腐败现象,从经济学“成本-收益”角度分析腐败产生的经济学根源,然后通过建立腐败者的“成本-收益”数学模型并进行分析,提出从加大腐败成本角度着手抑制腐败,最根本的是通过对资源配置的“非人格化”,减少权力资本化的机会。 更详细进入...
In the new recruit group,the urine osmolarity was 90.9±7. mOsm·kg~(-)·H_O~(-),and the incidences of ab- normal urine examination before and after drilling were .% and 9.%,respectively(P<0.0).
中文: 新兵组晨尿渗透压为90.9±7. mOsm·kg~(-)·H_O~(-),训练前后尿检结果明显异常者分别为.%和9.%(P<0.0)。 更详细进入...
Good luck. Report back to me here, or to Lt. Mumphrey's in Guard HQ, when you have accomplished your mission.
中文: 祝你好运,当你完成任务后,回来向我报告,或者是卫兵总部的马姆利少尉也可以。 更详细进入...
In addition, it maintained safety and stability of feudal regime to a great extent.
中文: 它与封建国家根本利益的一致性,决定了私兵又是封建统治秩序的重要维持者。 更详细进入...
Confuse defeat with failure, and you are doomed indeed to failure.
中文: 如果混淆挫折和失败,你就注定会真正失败。 更详细进入...
After more than a year, these local rules change stably, has provided the physical resource and the military strength for the afterwards Northern Expedition.
中文: 一年多后,这些地区的统治得以稳固,为后来的北伐提供了物力和兵力。 更详细进入...
Salonico. 1973. William Vecchi single-handedly winning the Cup Winners Cup for Milan against Leeds.
中文: 1973年,萨罗尼卡。在米兰击败利兹联队后,威廉.维奇独力擎起欧洲优胜者杯。 更详细进入...
Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.
中文: 任何谁,企图将自己定位于真理和知识的裁判者,都会遭神明讪笑而失败。 更详细进入...
India, too, could do much more to make things easier for Pakistan's tightrope-walker-in-chief to face down the terrorists.
中文: 印度同样也可以做更多的事情来帮助巴基斯坦击败恐怖分子。 更详细进入...
Its measures of corruption, for example, inveigle their way into the political debate in many of its client countries.
中文: 比如,其对腐败的定义标准可以诱使许多客户国陷入政治争论。 更详细进入...
When defending an enemy settlement with multiple exits, taking your army out of the side/back door does not make it easier to defeat the enemy.
中文: 攻击有多个出口的城市,从侧门/后门攻击不会更容易击败敌人。 更详细进入...
We are currently increasing Staff, both expat and local to accommodate these intakes in the forthcoming academic year.
中文: 我们正在招兵买马,招聘了很多中教、外教,为下学期的新增学生作准备。 更详细进入...
The cloudy July day is long today, and I have been musing over all those games in life wherein I was loser.
中文: 今天,七月的阴天是漫长的,我在默忆我生命中以我为失败者的一切游戏。 更详细进入...
Food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses.
中文: 兵马未动, 粮草先行。 更详细进入...
He's a conscript.
中文: 他是一名应征士兵。 更详细进入...
Old soldiers never die; they only fade away.
中文: 老兵不死,只是凋零。 更详细进入...
The soldiers are encamped in the forest.
中文: 士兵在森林里安营. 更详细进入...
The soldiers halted for a rest.
中文: 士兵们停下来休息。 更详细进入...
The soldiers relieves the town.
中文: 士兵们解放该城镇。 更详细进入...
The trade of the soldier is war.
中文: 士兵的职业是打仗。 更详细进入...