It is an excellent alternative choice other than balloon dilatation, stent implantation, or surgery for critically ill patients with delayed gastric emptying.
中文: 这种内视镜协助双管腔之鼻胃/鼻肠管置放,为一简单、有效、安全之技术;对病危之胃排空延迟之病患而言,是值得考虑使用之方法。 更详细进入...
But churchgoing is now a minority activity, while wars tend to be fought by international coalitions.
中文: 不过现在做礼拜已经是小众行为了,而且战争也趋向于国际联合。 更详细进入...
Up till now, are you regretting for missing the SOA fencing course (Spring 2006)?
中文: 看到这儿,是否因为错过了SOA春季所举办的剑击课程而懊悔不已? 更详细进入...
The sultanate became an elected rather than a hereditary position when the islands' first constitution was written in 1932.
中文: 1932年,当这一群岛的第一部宪法成文时,苏丹之位成为了一个选举而出的职位,而非世袭所得。 更详细进入...
I felt amply remunerated for all the extra hours I had worked.
中文: 我认为我的加班已得到足够的报偿。 更详细进入...
Many times I had to undo a box because I forgot to list the contents.
中文: 有很多次,我因为忘记列出所装的东西而不得不再次把箱子打开。 更详细进入...
My wife and I had become a “picky couple” exactly because we picked on each other.
中文: 我和老婆就是因为这样而妳嫌我、我嫌妳,最后不得不变成「嫌」伉俪。 更详细进入...
The results showed that 21 samples (1.7%) violated the tolerance level set by the Department of Health.
中文: 21件不符规定检体之原因分析,超过容许量者有5件,不得检出而检出者有16件。 更详细进入...
But the process has acquired a momentum of its own that offers a path towards peace and the strengthening of the rule of law.
中文: 不过这一进程本身已经获得了一个契机,提供了一条通向和平、加强法治之路。 更详细进入...
This certificate of deposit is non-negotiable and cannot be mortgaged, cannot be guaranteed for others, cannot be presented the cooperative for payment.
中文: 本“存款证明书”不得转让,不得抵押,不得为他人但保,不得作为提取上述存款凭证。 更详细进入...
Ah, it was not to be; harsh necessity brought me to this gilded cage.
中文: 噢,不要这样;我栖身金笼实在是迫不得已。 更详细进入...
He who knows, and knows not he knows, he is asleep, awaken him.
中文: 知之而不知其知之者,是睡着了,叫醒他。 更详细进入...
For a beginner, you're pretty good.
中文: 作为一个初学者,你已经做得很好了。 更详细进入...
She has a deep sense of justice, loyalty (faithful) and responsibility. She has a glib tongue, practical and realistic. She is also trustworthy and generous to people.
中文: 以维护正义为已任,矢志忠诚,责任感极强。伶牙利齿,实事求是,而且为人慷慨大方,赢得一致信任。 更详细进入...
He was found in incurable disease.
中文: 他被查出得了不治之症。 更详细进入...
A workaholic lives to work, rather than works to live.
中文: 他是为工作而活,而不是为了生活而工作。 更详细进入...
With the exception of delivery notices connected with shipments, no forwarding agency may deliver mail as described in the preceding paragraph.
中文: 运送机关或运送业者,除附送与货物有关之通知外,不得为前项邮件之递送。 更详细进入...
They become cynical and think that programming is just a way of making money.
中文: 他们变的愤世忌俗且认为写程式只不过是赚钱的一种方法而已。 更详细进入...
The most readily expressed reason for rejecting Barbie was that she was babyish, and girls saw her as representing their younger childhood out of which they felt they had now grown,she said.
中文: 奈恩说,“女孩们不喜欢芭比最直接的一个原因就是,觉得芭比太孩子气,就像自己童年时的样子,而她们觉得自己已经不再是小女孩了,芭比娃娃已经不适合自己。” 更详细进入...
Obviously, elaborate euphemisms such as physically challenged or differently abled are to be avoided: they are patronising and facile and people who use them are often trying to be facetious.
中文: 此外,如“身体受到挑战”或“别有能力者”这样一些刻意为之的委婉表达显然也应避免;这类表达居高临下,有缺乏诚意之嫌,人们这么说常常不过是自以为有趣而已。 更详细进入...