Clothing serves for protection of the body against both heat and cold.
中文: 衣服可以防热御寒以保护人体。 更详细进入...
If we assume that leadership is learnable, we can discover how many good leaders there really are.
中文: 如果我们假设领导术是可以学习的,我们可以真正发现更多的好的领导者. 更详细进入...
The basic idea is to avoid big planning phases, which can often lead to risky and unrealistic project schedules that are hard to keep.
中文: 它的基本思想是避免大型的规划阶段,否则会导致冒险的、不可实现的且难以保持的项目计划。 更详细进入...
If heat insulation to the pipe is needed,sleeper insulation bearing should be used to insulate the heat transmission.The thickness and width of sleeper should be selected in accord with the temperature and load.
中文: 2管道需要绝热保温时,应选用速丽保保温隔热支承隔断支承处的热传导,按温度和荷载选择速丽保的厚度和宽度。 更详细进入...
In2006,ChinaUnicom, seeing the change of its symbol as an opportunity, accelerated its pace of transformation from a company that is “guided by technologies and centers around services” to one that's “guided by the market and centers around the customers”
中文: 2006年,中国联通以换标为契机,加快了由“以技术为导向,以业务为中心”向“以市场为导向,以客户为中心”转型的步伐。 更详细进入...
And this may especially be expected if the doctrine of care not whether slavery be voted down or voted upshall gain upon the public mind sufficiently to give promise that such a decision can be maintained when made.
中文: 这种情况尤爲可能发生,如果“不在乎奴隶制被通过或被否决”的信条取取得了民心而使他们答应当作出这样的裁决时可以让它保持下去。 更详细进入...
Article 8.Foreign works created by compiling nonprotected materials shall be protected in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of the Copyright Law, provided that originality is shown in the selection and arrangement of such materials.
中文: 第八条外国作品是由不受保护的材料编辑而成,但是在材料的选取或者编排上有独创性的,依照著作权法第十四条的规定予以保护。 更详细进入...
He changed jobs to get a larger income.
中文: 他换工作以赚取更高的收入。 更详细进入...
See the projects section for more.
中文: 请参考专题以获取更多资讯。 更详细进入...
Take the trade-off between price and quality.
中文: 以价格和品质间的取舍为例。 更详细进入...
China has taken some steps to better identify and protect some foreign and domestic trafficking victims, particularly through enhanced cross-border cooperation.
中文: 中国采取了一些措施特别是通过加强跨境合作,以便更好地甄别和保护外国和本国的贩运受害者。 更详细进入...
Yellow powder insect stem article certain fat f aridity, smash insect powder, can prolong conservancy period and raise albumen content and quality.
中文: 黄粉虫干品经技术方法提取一定脂肪后的干燥、粉碎虫粉,可以延长保存期并提高蛋白含量与质量。 更详细进入...
Burn this mantra for protection.
中文: 焚化此符以求保护。 更详细进入...
Then he said, Take the arrows,and the king took them. Elisha told him, Strike the ground.He struck it three times and stopped.
中文: 18以利沙又说,取几枝箭来。他就取了来。以利沙说,打地吧。他打了三次,便止住了。 更详细进入...
Article 49 The guarantor shall be responsible for guaranteeing the bearers' rights to the bill when the bearer has acquired the bill legitimately.
中文: 第四十九条保证人对合法取得汇票的持票人所享有的汇票权利,承担保证责任。 更详细进入...
Have you ever had a conflict with a boss or professor?How did you resolve it?
中文: 你以前是否与领导或导师发生冲突?你是如何处理的? 更详细进入...
Conclusion: Treatment with nelfinavir might impair IRS--mediated signaling in pancreatic β cells.
中文: 论 :nelfinavir治疗可以损害胰岛 β细胞内 IRS- 介导的信号传导 更详细进入...
Dopant - An element that contributes an electron or a hole to the conduction process, thus altering the conductivity.
中文: 搀杂剂-可以为传导过程提供电子或空穴的元素,此元素可以改变传导特性。 更详细进入...
11 Established by Quanzhou Municipal People's Government, marine pollution treatment leading group with leaders in charge of these affairs as its group heads as well as the subordinate units such as Municipal Oceanic &Fishery Administration, environmental
中文: 11泉州市政府成立了以分管领导为组长,市海洋与渔业、环保、海事、港务等部门及沿海各县(市、区)政府为成员单位的海域污染整治领导小组,统一领导全市海域污染整治工作。 更详细进入...
Protect staff's privacy, and make sure that all personal information and employee records are confidential.
中文: 保障员工隐私,确保一切个人资料及员工记录得以保密。 更详细进入...