In1971 Britain changed over from pounds, shillings, and pence to the new decimal money system.
一九七一年英国把英镑、先令、便士改为新的十进位币制。 |
In1971 the Congo(Kinshasa)adopted the new name of Zaire.
1971年刚果(金)采用了扎伊尔这个新名字。 |
In1986, it limited its franking budget to half the total appropriation for both chambers.
1986年把参院的免费邮件预算限制在参众两院该项预算总和的半数。 |
In2003,a businessman from Taiwan come and entrust him that he should investigate policy,law, legislation in China forest industry for reform and the feasibility analyzing report about investment in the development of the forest industry in China.
2003年,一位在湘投资的台商慕名找到申安中的律师事务所,委托他调查中国林业改革的政策、法律、法规并写一份在中国大陆投资林业开发的可行性分析报告。 |
In2005 STEWART-WARNER Company landed in China to provide high-efficiency Air-Condition system for Chinese Consumers.
2005年,斯图华纳公司登陆中国,为中国消费者提供高效率空调系统。 |
In2006,ChinaUnicom, seeing the change of its symbol as an opportunity, accelerated its pace of transformation from a company that is “guided by technologies and centers around services” to one that's “guided by the market and centers around the customers”
2006年,中国联通以换标为契机,加快了由“以技术为导向,以业务为中心”向“以市场为导向,以客户为中心”转型的步伐。 |
In@SiO2 nanocables may be applied to nanoscale thermometer due to high expansion coefficient of In metal.
铟为低熔点高沸点、高膨胀系数之金属,这使得二氧化矽包覆铟之一维奈米结构可应用于奈米尺寸下的温度量测。 |
InBev today is the No.1 brewer in the world by volume, with a global market share of 14%, and holds a number-one or number-two position in over 20 key markets – more than any other brewer.
今天的英博是销量世界排名第一的酿造商,全球市场份额14%,与其他酿造商相比,他在20个主要市场保持着第一和第二的位置。 |
InChina,eventhough broadband and PHS have performed admirably, they are still not earning enough to cover the loss created by the decrease of fixed telephone operations.
在中国,尽管宽带和小灵通取得了令人瞩目的成绩,但这一切仍不能弥补固话业务下滑所带来的亏空。 |
InRussia money supply has grown by a striking 51% and India's is up by24%.
在俄罗斯,货币增长达到令人瞠目结舌的51%,而印度的货币增长达到了24%。 |
InSeptember, however, the Food Standards Agency refused pleas to issueofficial guidance highlighting these benefits.
但是,食品标准局9月份拒绝了发布有关强调这些益处的官方指导原则的请求。 |