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    The largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid today is Iraq, and it seems that much of that aid has been squandered.

    中文: 美国对外援助款的最大接受国是伊拉克,而这部分援款恐怕被大量地挥霍浪费掉了。 更详细进入...
    Sydney Summer Olympics in 2000------Share theSpirit.

    中文: 悉尼夏季奥运会------分享奥林匹克精神。 更详细进入...
    We are aggressive in our efforts to transform our forces into a leaner, more agile force capable of anticipating and responding to rogue threats or providing humanitarian relief ①on demand.

    中文: “我们正在积极努力,以便使我们的军队转变为可以预期和应对极端威胁或应邀提供人道主义援助的更为小巧和灵活的军队。” 更详细进入...
    But the fallen man started fighting his rescuer, knocking him dangerously close to the third rail and its deadly 600 volts.

    中文: 但这位跌落月台的老兄却开始反抗他的援驹贿,将奥崔撞向靠近的第三条铁轨。铁轨上高达六百伏特的电压足以致命,情况十分危险。 更详细进入...
    Provide creative directions to support sales merchandising team and ensure all materials produced have a consistent and presentable company image.

    中文: 提供创意指导以支援业务部门,确认所有作品具有一致并且鲜明的公司形象。 更详细进入...
    Lull ( Level 30) –Calms the target. The enemy will no longer assist friends and ignores all pleas for help during the duration of this spell.

    中文: 30级,威压目标,在有效时间内使目标不再援助同伴并无视同伴的所有帮助请求。 更详细进入...
    On the back is the Games emblem and pattern of the Great Wall which represent the union of Chinese culture and Olympic spirit.

    中文: 背面为印有奥运会会徽的万里长城图案,它代表着中国文化与奥林匹克精神的融合。 更详细进入...
    A few of the drow thought it would be a good idea to turn back.

    中文: 有几个卓尔精灵认为应该折返回去。 更详细进入...
    I've heard the elves of Vori have snow white skin.

    中文: 我听说凡里的精灵拥有雪白的皮肤。 更详细进入...
    Marked by inventive skill and imagination.

    中文: 灵巧的拥有创造性天才和想象力的 更详细进入...
    The ignition sensitive products, refined aesthetic shape.

    中文: 该产品具有点火灵敏,造型精致美观。 更详细进入...
    It was something in the knee ligament,Mourinho said.

    中文: “埃辛的膝关节韧带有些问题,”穆里尼奥说。 更详细进入...
    In the centre, the inscription VIIIe OLYMPIADE PARIS 1924.

    中文: 拱形正中刻有“巴黎1924—第八届奥运会”字样。 更详细进入...
    The establishment of VA TECH ELIN Transformer Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

    中文: 广州维奥伊林变压器有限公司正式成立。 更详细进入...
    Pray for those who with physical ailments or emotional burdens.

    中文: 为身体有病痛,心灵有忧伤痛苦的弟兄姊妹代祷。 更详细进入...
    A Comparison of Ganoderma Polysaccharides of Fermented Ganoderma Powder With Cultivated and Wild Ganoderma Carposporophyte

    中文: 发酵灵芝菌粉和灵芝子实体中灵芝多糖含量的比较 更详细进入...
    It is vitally important to get together with like-minded spiritual souls at this time and amplify the effects of positive energies.

    中文: 现在将具有相近思想和灵性的心灵结合在一起,将正面能量的影响放大具有绝对性的重要性。 更详细进入...
    Although the value of the pound has been falling recently, Britain can still pull through, with help from other countries.

    中文: 虽然,近来英镑贬值,但是有其它国家的援助,英国仍然能渡过难关。 更详细进入...
    And, noting that many mothers are also malnourished, he said the humanitarian cost is enormous.

    中文: 他提到,很多母亲也有营养不良问题,这方面的人道援助耗资巨大。 更详细进入...
    “The base hit that put them ahead was a ground ball,” Joe Torre said. “It happens, but we didn't give [Wang] a whole lot to work with.

    中文: 老爹说:「对方击出滚地安打,但是我们没有给予王足够的火力支援。」 更详细进入...

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