Although the try was not complete, from it we can get a new congnition about Maugham's realism which had been influenced by the expressionism prevailing in Europe at that time.
与此同时,在欧洲文艺领域盛行的表现主义,强调的是创作者的主观感受,这就暗合了毛姆对于现实的重新认识。 |
Although the two governments try to restrict the issue of passports to ethnic kinsfolk in these neighbours, they cannot stop them coming.
虽然两国政府都尽力限制向那些邻国兄弟发放的护照数量,但这无助于改善这一局面。 |
Although the two spent considerable time together starting in the 1940s, her journal only records their relationship from October 1953 until his death in April 1955 at age 76.
尽管从20世纪40年代开始,他们俩就经常在一起,但是她的日记只是记录了从1953年10月到1955年爱因斯坦76岁去世的这一段时间。 |
Although the two were kindly people, it was not a compassionate soul the prompted them to act in that way: what concerned them, without sentimentalism and rhetoric, was to protect their daily bread, as is natural for people who, to maintain their life, ha
他们俩心地都很善良,但他们这样做,并非出于什么同情心和爱心;实事求是地讲,他们所关心的只是自己的一日三餐,这就同人们为了生存而只学会考虑必要的事。 |
Although the untouchable system was abolished after India gained her independence, it still exists in reality.
印度独立后虽在法律上废除戝民制,但实际上仍存在,种姓间成见很深,一亿多贱民仍被歧视。 |
Although the value of the pound has been falling recently, Britain can still pull through, with help from other countries.
虽然,近来英镑贬值,但是有其它国家的援助,英国仍然能渡过难关。 |
Although the various ingredients in jai are root vegetables or fibrous vegetables, many people attribute various superstitious aspects to them.
尽管“家”的主要成分是多种菜根或纤维类蔬菜,但很多中国人都对其极其迷信。 |
Although the veto represents one of the president\'s strongest constitutional powers and help to check the power of the legislative branch, vetoes can be overridden by a 2/3 majority in both Houses of Congress.
虽然否决权代表了总统最大的法定权力之一,遏制了立法机构的权力,但两院2/3的大多数也能压倒否决权。 |
Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual and lost the original black box, they still remembered to use stones.
尽管村民们以忘了这仪式(的最初模式),又丢失了最初的那个黑箱子,他们仍然记得去用石头。 |
Although the virus can cause genital warts, most infected people have no outward symptoms.
尽管这种病毒能导致生殖器疣,但大部分被感染的人群没有显示症状. |
Although the water levels on the middle reaches begun to recede, new dangers might occur as the dikes had long been submerged in water.
来自国家防旱抗洪指挥中心的消息说,在河流主流堤坝和洪水泛滥区域,共出现了214处险情。但是,所有的险情都得到了有效的控制。 |