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    When Jesus had said these things, He went forth with His disciples across the brook Kedron, where there was a garden, into which He entered as well as His disciples.

    中文: 1耶稣说了这些话,就同门徒出去,过了汲沦溪,在那里有一个园子,祂和门徒进去了。 更详细进入...
    Show your teacher what you are capable of.

    中文: 向老师表现出你的才能。 更详细进入...
    Like Mr Gosse senior, Mr Collins is a scientist and a Christian.

    中文: 和老高斯一样,柯林斯既是个科学家也是个基督徒。 更详细进入...
    The non-Jains also express high reverence for this Jain festival.

    中文: 非耆那教徒也表达了对耆那教盛典的很高的崇敬。 更详细进入...
    Samantha: A famous professional photographer who only likes to take pictures of humans and animals.

    中文: 凯儿:著名专业照相师,喜欢拍人和动物而已. 更详细进入...
    The princess is dressed by a famous dressmaker.

    中文: 这位公主的衣裳是由著名的服装师缝制的。 更详细进入...
    And yet you need not be a professional interior designer.

    中文: 但你并不需要成为一名专业的室内设计师。 更详细进入...
    Both cases underwent excisional biopsy by orthopedic surgeons.

    中文: 两名病例先前均由骨科医师运行切片手术。 更详细进入...
    Mary is respected as a good maths teacher.

    中文: 玛丽作为一名优秀的数学教师而受到尊敬。 更详细进入...
    The lawyer shafted the prisoner into an admission of guilt.

    中文: 这位律师使得这名罪犯承认了自己的罪行。 更详细进入...
    An increase in nominal money growth decreases nominal interest rates in the short run, but increase them in the long run.

    中文: 名义货币增长率的提高在短期内会降低名义利率,但在长期内会提高名义利率。 更详细进入...
    I have a brother, Tom. He is an engineer. He has been abroad for three years now. Several days ago, I received a letter from him.

    中文: 我有一个弟弟,名叫汤姆。他是位工程师。他出国已3年了。几天前我收到了一封他的来信。 更详细进入...
    A: I am a senior mechanical design engineer.

    中文: 我现在是高级机械设计工程师。 更详细进入...
    The collapse of the big newly-built bridge led to criminal prosecution against an engineer and two local government officials.

    中文: 新造的大桥坍塌了,一名工程师和两名地方官员为此受到刑事起诉。 更详细进入...
    Hunan chefs network based in Hunan, the Hunan-oriented restaurant, the new building in Hunan Gourmet, Hunan famous restaurant chains, Hunan dishes, Hunan strive for the building of the most practical cooks, hotel, food linked to the practical platform.

    中文: 湖南厨师网立足湖南、面向湖南餐饮,全新打造的湖南名厨,湖南名店、湖南名菜、力求建设为湖南地区最实用的厨师、酒店、美食相关联的实用平台。 更详细进入...
    A Jordanian gunman opened fire at a crowd of foreign tourists Monday in the center of Jordan's Capital.

    中文: 一名约旦歹徒星期一在约旦首都市中心向一群外国游客开枪. 更详细进入...
    Acts 5:41 So they went from the presence of the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to be dishonored on behalf of the Name.

    中文: 徒五41他们欢欢喜喜从议会跟前走开,因被算是配为这名受辱。 更详细进入...
    Stella McCartney, famous fashion designer, born in 1972, the daughter of ex-Beatle Sir Paul and Linda McCartney.

    中文: 斯太拉.迈卡特尼,著名时装设计师,为前甲壳虫乐队成员保罗.迈卡特尼之女,出生于1972年。 更详细进入...
    They have a team of over 40 professionals specialized in finance and accounting with professional capability and rich experience, including Chinese CPA, Chinese Certified Tax Accountant, Chinese Certified Asset Appraiser, Chinese Land Appraiser, Chinese C

    中文: 本机构有中国注册会计师、中国注册税务师、中国注册资产评估师、中国土地估价师、中国注册房地产估价师、中国注册造价工程师、中国注册结构工程师等多类专业人员四十余名,是一支老、中、青相结合,以青年为业务骨干的具有较高专业水平和丰富经验的财会专业队伍。 更详细进入...
    The three partners of this office, all graduating in East China Institute of Politics and Law, have substantial experience in lawyer business and have acted as the agent of well-known international corporations such as Budweiser and NEC.

    中文: 事务所的三名高级合伙人均毕业于华东政法学院,具有多年律师执业经验,代理过诸如百威、NEC这样的国际知名跨国公司的诉讼。 更详细进入...

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