Starting with airfoil 2, the pitching moment is increased from -.15 to -.25 to provide more aft loading and aft camber.
中文: 从翼型2俯仰时刻由原来的15年至今25年至今,以提供更多后部后部拱落. 更详细进入...
King of the North Pole:Polar bear
中文: 北极之王 北极熊 更详细进入...
On the our country history five big and religious property systems can be divided into mostly four types: Tibetan Buddhism the monastery; The Han spreads the Buddhism the monastery christianity church; Islamism monastery.
中文: 摘要我国历史上五大宗教的财产制度大致可分为四类:藏传佛教寺院(包括苯教等各类寺院);汉传佛教寺院(包括道教寺院);基督教教堂(包括天主教);伊斯兰教寺院(包括拱北)。 更详细进入...
Hundreds of Chinese made their way to Tonga's neighbouring country Fiji Wednesday to board an Air China aircraft sent by Beijing yesterday.
中文: 星期三,数百名中国人前往汤加的邻国斐济,乘坐由北京昨天派出的一驾中国国航飞机。 更详细进入...
Henan is on the north of Hubei.
中文: 河南在湖北北边。 更详细进入...
In the paper, the randomness in the constitution of the sliding mass, in the from of sliding and in the shear strength of the sliding surface is considered, the anti-slide reliability of one arch dam is analyzed, and satisfying results are obtained.
中文: 文章在考虑滑移体的构成、滑动面抗剪断强度参数等的随机性的基础上,使用可靠度理论,对拱垻垻肩抗稳定可靠度进行分析;以某拟拱垻为算例,计算结果是比较理想的。 更详细进入...
The camp is situated just north of the 69th parallel[5], inside the Arctic circle.
中文: 集中营位于北纬69度正北方、北极圈以内。 更详细进入...
Taiwanese Council members decided on Monday evening to ask Taipei Mayor Ma to give a special report on Friday concerning the series of mass rallies staged in the capital city calling for an investigation into the election controversies and the violent con
中文: 星期一晚间台湾立法委员决定要求台北马市长在星期五提出有关一连串星期一晚间群众在首都集会要求调查选举中的争议及警察和抗议者之间激烈对抗运动的特别报告。 更详细进入...
Afflictions to the key planet from malefics that are either posited in or Lord of the Eighth House can indicate sudden death (if Uranus is involved) or death mediated through accident (if Mars), suicide (if Neptune), or criminal violence (if Pluto).
中文: 如果有凶星和关键行星发生刑冲,而这凶星又正好处或者是第8宫的宫主星的话,可以预计这个人的暴毙(凶星是天王星),由于事故死亡(凶星是火星),自杀(如果这颗凶星是海王星),或被暴力致死(如果凶星是冥王星)。 更详细进入...
Others navigate by the stars.
中文: 有些则依靠星星。 更详细进入...
Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday classes will be available. There will be a total of 15 classes held over 5 weeks. Each class will be 2 hours.
中文: 选择每周的星期一星期三星期五或星期二星期四星期六,总共有5周15节课每节课2小时。 更详细进入...
According to the analysis of newly-compiled 1:2000000 gravity and magnetic data, there exist three (eastern, central and western) deep tectonic areas in northern China, which are hounded in the east by Helan Mountain-Liupan Mountain-Longmen Mountain line
中文: 摘要根据新编制的1:200万重磁资料分析,中国北部深层存在东、中、西3个构造区,其东界在贺兰山-六盘山-龙门山一线,西界在星星峡-若羌一线。 更详细进入...
Here in dark night sits the man who measured the mountains in the moon;he who forced his way out into the endless space aoming stars and planets;he ,the mighty man who undrstood the spirit of nature,and felt the earth moving beneath his feet-Galileo.
中文: 在这黑夜里坐着一个人,正是他称量月球上的群山,正是他把视野投向那无边无际的太空星辰,正是这位坚强的男子深谙大自然的奥义、他深信这颗地球运行他――伽利略的足下。 更详细进入...
Jupiter has fourteen moons, the largest number of any planet.
中文: 木星拥有十四个卫星,是所有行星中卫星最多的一个。 更详细进入...
China's national flag, bottom, is being displayed along with Taiwan's national flag, top left, at the 32nd World Congress of Master Tailors in Taipei August 7, 2007.
中文: 中国五星旗(下)与台湾国旗(上)同台展示于八月六日在台北开幕的第32届世界洋服大会上。 更详细进入...
How many moons does Jupiter have?
中文: 木星有多少卫星? 更详细进入...
Stars vary in brightness.
中文: 星星光亮度不同。 更详细进入...
The stars twinkled in the sky.
中文: 星星在天空闪烁。 更详细进入...
There are many stars in the sky.
中文: 天上有很多星星。 更详细进入...
Correlations of satellite positions and ring features occur in the Jovian, Uranian and Neptunian systems as well.
中文: 在木星、天王星、海王星的系统中,卫星的位置也和行星环的特性密切相关。 更详细进入...