To eliminate the suffering induced by an unsettled mind, just start reciting Guanyin's name to restore your inner peace.
中文: 明知心不平安是苦事,就赶快以持念「南无观世音菩萨」来安心吧! 更详细进入...
Flaming Qiao Buddha everything carefully brightly lit, jade Pure brilliant Zhanzhan Patriotic Democratic Movements, the earthling things dressing!
中文: 万事谐和俏菩萨心地通明,玉净瓶光辉湛湛放光,人世间万物升平! 更详细进入...
The field of the Bodhisattva is too delicate to be run with machines and sustain a state of balance.
中文: 菩萨级别的能量场是非常精细的,难以用机器来运作并维系平衡。 更详细进入...
At these words, a flock of wild geese flew over the temple.
中文: 一个和尚仰天叹道:“大慈大悲的菩萨一定不会忘记今天是什么日子!” 更详细进入...
How could you have had time to train so many dharma teachers, so many bodhisattvas to assist you?
中文: 你何以有时间教化出如此多的传法的导师,如此多的菩萨来帮助你?” 更详细进入...
As the Bodhisattva learns to hold all four subtle bodies in equal size, weight and chi, compassion is mastered.
中文: 当菩萨学会以同等尺寸、分量和气持有所有4个精微体时,同情被掌握。 更详细进入...
Who? Who the hell……! Who the hell?
中文: 至尊宝:菩什么老母,菩什么老母! 更详细进入...
Kuan Yin is also known as patron bodhisattva of P\'u-t\'o Shan, mistress of the Southern Sea and patroness of fishermen.
中文: 观音作为普陀山帮助菩萨、南海女主人和渔父的女赞助人同样负有盛名。 更详细进入...
If someone facing deadly harm recites Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva's name, the weapons of the assailants will break apart and he will get away.
中文: 若复有人。临当被害。称观世音菩萨名者。彼所执刀杖。寻段段坏。而得解脱。 更详细进入...
Legend has it that this highly intelligent tree may admonish people to remain honest and upright before the Bodhisattva.
中文: 据传,此槐极有灵性,它告诫世人菩萨面前不说假话,真诚做事,坦荡做人。 更详细进入...
The auric field of the Bodhisattva expands to be outside of the moon's orbit, boarding upon becoming solar in nature.
中文: 菩萨级别的金场将扩展到月球轨道之外并继续从而变得太阳系大小。 更详细进入...
This chapter makesa statistic and analysis on 00 pieces of prayer manuscripts, the purpose is to find out the Buddha and Bodhisattvas whom people had faith in and worshiped.
中文: 本章对近00篇愿文进行了统计和分析,来探求人们信奉、膜拜哪些佛、菩萨。 更详细进入...
The ascent to Bodhisattva requires the disengagement from all disease machinery and matrixes along with electrical attachment to people, places or objects.
中文: 提升到菩萨级别需要脱离一切疾病机械﹑矩阵以及对人、地或物的电性连线。 更详细进入...
The platform is arranged according to the traditional principle of five elements (i.e., metal, wood, water, fire and earth), which is central to fengshui practices.
中文: 行人至此后可面向菩萨顶礼膜拜,据说及其灵验,赐吉祥幸福,保一生平安。 更详细进入...
They shared common faith in the “Mizong School” of Buddhism with admiration for Molichitsian Bodhisattva, and both of them had a religious name as “Fushan”.
中文: 郑和与李童都信仰密宗,尊崇摩利支天菩萨,两人法名同称“福善”并不矛盾。 更详细进入...
They are currently the grand parent to a Bodhisattva grandchild, and are revitalizing their form and field through ascension.
中文: 他现在是一个菩萨孙儿的祖父母,正透过提升而新生自己的身体和能量场。 更详细进入...
Those ascending to 6000 and mastering Bodhisattva will be the new wave of leadership for the coming 25-year cycle.
中文: 提升到6000股并掌握菩萨的那些人将成为未来25年周期内领导阶层的新浪潮。 更详细进入...
The bodhisattva sculpture excavated from Longxing(Dragon Arising) Temple at Qingzhou of Shandong.
中文: 青州龙兴寺出土的佛像贴金绘彩,工艺十分精细。菩萨像更是饰璎佩珞,华贵非常。 更详细进入...
As a result, for many attaining Bodhisattva, life alters from difficulty and strife to greater ease and joy thereafter.
中文: 因此,对很多菩萨水平者而言,生命因而从困难和冲突中转变成更大的轻松与欢乐。 更详细进入...
Disciple Suan Kuang in Melaka, Malaysia wrote me a supplication asking me to write in calligraphy the holy epithet of the Earth Treasure Bodhisattva.
中文: 在马来西亚,马六甲的弟子传光写了一祈请电邮,要求我手书地藏王菩萨的圣号。 更详细进入...