As a result, each of the salespeople comes to me with the same questions.
结果是,每个业务员都来问我相同的问题。 |
As a result, eery culture and nationality has its own share of mouth-watering delicacies.
而美国,这个「移民之地」实际上也引进了各式的烹调。 |
As a result, even though some of his contemporaries and successors thought them disreputable, nevertheless it became increasingly difficult to think of them as unworthy of important consideration.
即使当代与后代的某些人认为这些观点声名狼籍,但却无法忽视它们的重要性。 |
As a result, every World Cup seems to throw up a team that suddenly clicks at the right time and beats a much-fancied opponent.
所以,每届世界杯都好像在推出一支刚好处在最佳状态时期,并且击败了无数潜在敌人的球队。 |
As a result, fans purchased at least 300000 red T-shirts and 120000 ROK national suits.
结果,球迷们至少购买了300000件红色短袖汗衫以及120000件韩国国家队队服。 |
As a result, for many attaining Bodhisattva, life alters from difficulty and strife to greater ease and joy thereafter.
因此,对很多菩萨水平者而言,生命因而从困难和冲突中转变成更大的轻松与欢乐。 |
As a result, free cash flow (net income adjusted for things like depreciation and capital expenditure) is estimated to have fallen ¥80 billion into the red over the same period.
最终,公司的自由现金流(去除固定资产折旧和资本开支后的纯收入)为800亿日元与去年同期相比是下降的。 |
As a result, gourmet coffee usually encompasses coffee beans grown from Arabica coffee plants that are situated at a high altitude.
因此,高海拔地区的阿拉比卡咖啡树更容易出产极品咖啡。 |
As a result, guest requests are usually met without reference to a supervisor, improving both customer and employee satisfaction.
做为结果,客人的需要经常不需要提交给管理者,改善了客人和职员的满意度。 |
As a result, he grew ever more disappointed with and disconnected from the world.
这使他渐觉失望,与世界渐行渐远。 |
As a result, he had to go to the police station.
结果,他得到警察局走一趟。 |