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    Ann then sailed in with a furious attack on the chairman.

    中文: 安随後严词抨击董事长. 更详细进入...
    It's a Latin verb of the second conjugation.

    中文: 那是属于第二种变化法的拉丁语动词。 更详细进入...
    The voice of America tells about popular words and their stories used in the united states.

    中文: 美国之音词汇故事讲的是一些美国的常用词汇,还有关于它们的故事。 更详细进入...
    The first name is the generic name and the second is the specific (or species) name.

    中文: 第一个词为植物的属名,第二个为种名。 更详细进入...
    A sentence in which two (or more) verbs or verbal constructions are used as the predicate of the same subject is called a sentence with verbal constructions in series.

    中文: 谓语由两个(或两个以上)的动词或动词词组组成,并属于同一个主语,这样的句子叫连动句。 更详细进入...
    An affidavit that attests to the truth of a pleading.

    中文: 宣誓供词证明某一申诉属实的宣誓书 更详细进入...
    Capital letters in square brackets. This gives you further grammatical detail about the word.

    中文: 方括号中大写字母标明该词语法属性。 更详细进入...
    Let's assume that proportions of full NP to pronominal subjects stays constant throughout development.

    中文: 假设在他语言发展期间,完整名词词组到代名词当主语的比例维持不变。 更详细进入...
    These verbs are compared in the sense of freeing a person or thing from danger, evil, confinement, or servitude.

    中文: 这些动词意为使人或事物免于危险、邪恶、受困或奴役,其比较如下面所述。 更详细进入...
    This article introduces the language concept of: the dual character, clarifies and analyzes the inner forms of the foreign words confined by the dual character with some language examples in Russian and Chinese.

    中文: 摘要引入外来词语言二重性概念,结合俄语和汉语事例对外来词语言二重性制约下的外来词内部形式进行了较为详细的分类和对比分析。 更详细进入...
    What events led to most of the east of the Mississippi River becoming part of the United States?

    中文: 哪些事件使密西西比河以东的大部分土地归属于美国? 更详细进入...
    For example, the adjective dangerous describes something that is related to the noun danger.

    中文: 例如,形容词“危险的”描述那些与名词“危险”有关的事情。 更详细进入...
    That's a good dictionary, but it doesn't bear comparison with this one.

    中文: 那是本好词典,但比不上这本. 更详细进入...
    A Comparision of Verbal Indicative Affixes -mbi,-mui(-müi),and -mu(-mü) in Manchu and Mongolian

    中文: 关于满语和蒙古语动词陈述式词缀-mbi和-mui(-müi)、-mu(-mü)的比较 更详细进入...
    This is not expressible as a first-order predicate calculus property.

    中文: 这就是一个一阶谓词演算不可表述的属性。 更详细进入...
    [bbe] I am yours, O be my saviour; for my desire has been for your rules.

    中文: 我是属你的,求你救我,因我寻求了你的训词。 更详细进入...
    Keywords: TiAl intermetallics, high temperature oxidation resistance, surface modification.

    中文: 关键词:钛铝介金属、高温氧化抵抗、表面改质。 更详细进入...
    I like apples./pizza/cola.

    中文: 我喜欢苹果/比萨/可乐。(单词可换。) 更详细进入...
    I find it helpful to keep several dictionaries by me so as to compare their wording .

    中文: 我发现身边放几本词典很有益处,这样便于比较它们的措词。 更详细进入...
    Read the short passage on Page 80 and look up the new words in your dictionaries. Retell the story briefly.

    中文: 读80页上的短文,在词典中查找生词,并简要复述这个故事。 更详细进入...

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