October 10th,2004,MSICC of ShangDong University's new term work launched formally with teleconference of Miss ZhouJing from research institute and club directors.
中文: 2004年10月21日,随着研究院邹静老师与俱乐部负责人电话会议的召开,山东大学微软学生俱乐部新学期的工作正式开展。 更详细进入...
October 10th,2004,MSICC of ShangDong University's new term work lunahed formally with teleconference of MIss ZhouJing from research institute and club directors.
中文: 2004年10月21日,随着研究院邹静老师与俱乐部负责人电话会议的召开,山东大学微软学生俱乐部新学期的工作正式开展。 更详细进入...
Beckham's present Real contract expires in June 2007. Therefore, according to FIFA rules, if he decides not to extend it, he may negotiate with other clubs from 1 January on.
中文: 贝克汉姆与皇马俱乐部所签的合同于明年6月到期,根据国际足联规定,如果贝克汉姆不打算续约,他可以从明年1月1日开始与其它俱乐部接触。 更详细进入...
Paleontological Education Must Advance with the Times
中文: 古生物学教育需要与时俱进 更详细进入...
Specially blended for both taste and aroma.
中文: 顺滑而微妙,口感与室韵俱佳。 更详细进入...
Freedom is our birthright.
中文: 自由是我们与生俱来的权利 更详细进入...
Photos from Sunday's session were to be exhibited at an Amsterdam club later Sunday.
中文: 上周日拍摄的裸照将于本周日在阿姆斯特丹的一个俱乐部展出。 更详细进入...
He's involved in the organization of a new club.
中文: 他参与了新俱乐部的组织工作. 更详细进入...
The higher education to keep pace with the times and carrying out reform.
中文: 高等教育要与时俱进,锐意改革。 更详细进入...
However, the more rapid growth is unlikely to change market expectations that the Bank of Japan, which holds a two-day policy meeting on March 19-20, will be in no hurry to increase interest rates.
中文: 日本政府此前估计该季度经济增长率为4.8%,与前一季度1.2%的年率化增幅相比,仍不失为一次大幅增长。 更详细进入...
Therefore, his relationship with the Biancocelesti club will terminate on 30 June 2005.
中文: “因此,他和俱乐部的关系将在2005年6月30日结束。” 更详细进入...
Public fears about food safety grew in 2004, when at least 13 babies died of malnutrition in Anhui province, in eastern China, after they were fed fake milk powder with no nutritional value.
中文: 2004年,公众对于食品安全的担忧与日俱增,当时在中国东部的安徽省,在被喂食了没有任何营养价值的劣质奶粉后至少有13个婴儿死于营养不良。 更详细进入...
The government previously pegged growth at 4.8 per cent, still a substantial leap from the previous weak quarter's annualised growth of 1.2 per cent.
中文: 日本政府此前估计该季度经济增长率为4.8%,与前一季度1.2%的年率化增幅相比,仍不失为一次大幅增长。 更详细进入...
The increasing population in an expanding and more demanding society called for inventive skills.
中文: 在日益膨胀和需求日增长的社会中,增长的人口呼唤创新技术。 更详细进入...
And how can the industry cope with changing times?
中文: 矿业的发展是否能够与时俱进呢? 更详细进入...
We will perfect ourselves in succession to keep up with the step of the world, striding forward the goal of building a good corporation image, developing a famous brand.
中文: 在未来的日子里,公司将不断完善自我,与时俱进,朝“塑企业形象,创知名品牌”的目标迈进。 更详细进入...
There are a lot of foreign investments in Japan right now. More foreigners really settle into Japan with partners in Japan, and increasing their portfolio.
中文: 现在有很多外商在日本投资。的确,越来越多的外商与日本合作并进驻日本,这增加了他们的财产。 更详细进入...
The crowd—American bond-traders in Brooks Brothers suits, visiting models, second-rate rock stars, African bouncers, Israeli street vendors, drunken U.S.
中文: 这个地区是几十家低级夜总会、咖啡馆、脱衣舞俱乐部、娱乐场和为迎合外国人及喜欢与他们出来泡吧的日本人而开设的夜间营业的俱乐部。 更详细进入...
HAOSHA(New world issue 1),fitness club, Start on September 9,2000.
中文: 2浩沙(新世界一期)健身俱乐部,2000年9月26日开业。 更详细进入...
In the eastern monsoon region, transition of summer rainfall from below normal to above normal in the lower Yangtze River in 1979 was accompanied with dry trends in North China and South China.
中文: 与全球增暖相联系的是:我国微量降水在空间上表现为一致的减少趋势,我国北方寒潮事件显著减少,冷夜和冷日的减少与暖夜和暖日的增多并存,以及极端强降水有增多的趋势。 更详细进入...