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    To highlight Yan Oi, Helen Yuen Long Catholic, the park owner to bridge the father's name, surname, home to the largest Zhan Park, and the establishment of a special provision filial piety Museum,painting Hau 24flying its plans, to promote the traditional

    中文: 为了彰显严爱、永志慈恩,园主以父名命桥名,以母姓号冠詹园,又专辟一处设立“孝道馆”,彩绘“廿四孝”图悬挂其内,以宏扬传统“孝文化”为己任。 更详细进入...
    It contains materials on the problems facing the communist movement, particularly relating to Russia, China and India, the origins of modern revisionism, the restoration of capitalism in the USSR and developments in the international communist movement.

    中文: 它的内容有共产主义运动中面临的问题(尤其是俄国、中国和印度),现代修正主义的产生,功联的资本主义复辟和国际共产主义运动的发展。 更详细进入...
    Robert Fulton's first American steamboat leaves New York City for Albany, New York on the Hudson River, inaugurating the first commercial steamboat service in the world.

    中文: 1807年的今天,罗伯特·富尔顿制造的首艘美国的蒸汽轮船离开纽约城,经哈得逊河驶往奥尔巴尼,开辟了世界上的首个商用蒸汽船的服务。 更详细进入...
    The idea was put forward at the meeting of the six-nation Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, a body set up two years ago to strengthen confidence building measures in China's border regions.

    中文: 国家总理温家宝提议在中国和俄罗斯,哈萨克斯坦,乌兹别克斯坦,塔吉克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦各国交界的范围里,开辟一块自由经济贸易区。 更详细进入...
    In order to study and employ new medicines of histamine and inaugurate a new way for opium types to defend and abstain from the drug addictions, we study the addiction s mechanisms deeply and immanence relations between histamines in the brain and the dru

    中文: 深入研究成瘾机制,特别是脑内组胺与阿片类药物成瘾之间的内在联系,研究和开发组胺类新药,为阿片类药物成瘾的防毒戒毒工作开辟新的方向。 更详细进入...
    Moganshan Bamboo Veneer Board Factory and scientific research institutions, such as Bamboo Developing Center of the Ministry of Forestry ect., jointly research that processing bamboo into new building veneer board, to save timber resources and open up new

    中文: 莫干山竹胶板厂与林业部竹子开发中心等科研单位联合研究,用竹子加工新型建筑用模板,既保护了木材资源,又为当地竹子的开发利用开辟了新途径。 更详细进入...
    Public accumulation fund for housing construction loaning has now become main body of Chinese policy-related housing finance, which has enhanced workers' ability of paying for their houses, lowered their burden of loaning, and it is the first choice for m

    中文: 摘要住房公积金制度作为中国房地产金融政策的主体,开辟了除原有的国家、企业投资之外的一条长期、稳定地解决城镇居民住房问题的资金来源渠道。 更详细进入...
    The practice proved uses the hot tubular real null set to be hot the solar energy air conditioning technology plan which and the absorption type refrigerator unifies is successful, it opened a new application domain for the solar energy light heat utiliza

    中文: 实践证明采用热管式真空集热器与吸收式制冷机相结合的太阳能空调技术方案是成功的,它为太阳能光热利用技术开辟了一个新的应用领域。 更详细进入...
    Sing and his sidekick (portly Lam Chi Chung of Shaolin Soccer) have to make a name for themselves first, and proclaim rundown Pigsty Alley to be their first official territory.However, Sing is more futile than fearsome, and his antics only annoy the resid

    中文: 星仔试图对住在叫作“猪笼城寨”的居民进行敲诈,没想到这些看似平凡的老百姓居然个个身怀绝技,他不但钱没有捞到,反而引来斧头帮对这地方的注意,也引发了一连串连锁反应,展开一场正邪势力的大对决。 更详细进入...
    The blast of sublevel caving together with the blast of undercutting, crater opening and slot cutting are brought about successfully at same time in the practice of sublevel drilling and stope mining with nonelectric blast ignition system, and the product

    中文: 在分段凿岩阶段矿房法回采实践中,用非电导爆管雷管起爆系统成功地实现了阶段落矿爆破与拉底、辟漏、切槽爆破一次同步进行,提高了生产效率。 更详细进入...
    When Typhoon TORAJI attacked Taiwan in 2001, there occurred serious debris flow disaster, and from then on, the occurrence frequency of debris flow has been very high so we took Chen-Yu-Lan stream watershed as the research material.

    中文: 位于台湾中部之浊水溪的支流之陈有蘭溪集水区,因數十年前新中横公路之开辟,加上1999年九二一大地震时最接近震央,均产生了大量之土石松方。 更详细进入...
    This paper reveals the collision energy of a celestial body with the earth could induce a sufficient change of rotating speed of the earth to make the folding orogenesis, and briefly explains its mechanics, and therefore offers a brandnew perspective for

    中文: 揭示了星地碰撞可以为大陆造山运动提供足够强大的突发性动力来源,并简要阐明了其作用机制,可以解决地质力学所遇到的力源不足和被海水运动取代的两大难题,从而为大陆构造研究开辟了一个新境界。 更详细进入...
    Monastic Life in Medieval Daoism breaks new ground in Daoist studies, the understanding of Chinese religion and medieval society, and the theoretical understanding and interpretation of the comparative phenomenon of monasticism.

    中文: 中古道教的宫观生活在道教研究上、对中国宗教与中古社会的理解上,以及对于比较诸修道制度的现象采取理论的理解与诠释上,开辟了新天地。 更详细进入...
    Xiong Shili pass through self-examination and are contrasted Bergson philosophy on view of life and view of nature, have made his unique view for life-ontology, so, found Xi-Bi become to change, big change view and silent know certificate thingintuition v

    中文: 熊十力则通过反省和比照柏格森哲学的生命观与自然观,提出了他对于生命本体的独特看法,从而创立“翕辟成变”的大化流行论和“默识证会”的直觉说。 更详细进入...
    The enolate Claisen rearrangement can reduce a chiral carbon, aid-ehyde group that was reduced by reduction was also a potential chiral carbon. So, this reaction can open a new route for preparing chiral compound.

    中文: 由于酯的烯醇化Claisen重排反应可以产生一个手性碳,而还原产生的醛基也是一个潜在的手性碳,所以此反应可以为进一步合成手性化合物开辟一条新的途径。 更详细进入...
    Combing E-business activities on campus and E-business experiment teaching will create a new way in E-business experiment teaching, and it will foster students' innovative ability.

    中文: 开设创业性电子商务实验,将校园电子商务实践活动与电子商务实验教学相结合,开辟电子商务实验教学新途径,培养具有开拓创新能力的电子商务实用人才。 更详细进入...
    Our part-Indian guide had cleared the path to the lake the day before; when we walked the path we saw where he had impaled the lopped head of a boa, open-mouthed, on a pointed stick by the canoes, for decoration.

    中文: 有着一半印第安血统的向导前一天已经辟出了通往湖泊的小路;我们在小路上行走时,看见他砍下作为装饰的蟒蛇头,张开大口,钉在独木舟边尖头枝条上。 更详细进入...
    The results show that the fine sintering will be gained in the reasonable laser technical parameter, which can improve densenses and wear resistance, inaugurate a new technique of manufacture diamond tools.

    中文: 结果表明,在合适的激光工艺参数下可以得到组织结构良好的金刚石微粉压坯烧结体,显著提高烧结体的致密性和耐磨性,开辟了一种金刚石工具制造的新工艺。 更详细进入...
    They deeply cherish their hard-won right to be masters of the country and the right past to development, that is ,building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

    中文: 中国人民十分珍惜经过艰苦卓绝的奋斗而取得的当家作主的权利,十分珍惜经过长期艰辛的探索而开辟的建设有中国特色社会主义这一正确的发展道路。 更详细进入...
    She has cooled them just shy of absolute zero (-459 degrees Fahrenheit) and observed their funky quantum doings, leading the way into an unexplored realm that holds implications for superconductivity—the creation of resistance-less electrical flow.

    中文: 她将它们冷却至接近绝对零度,观察到它们诡异的量子行为,为一个未经探索的领域开辟了一条道路,那里蕴涵了超导的奥秘,材料的电阻可骤降至近乎零。 更详细进入...

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