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The idea was put forward at the meeting of the six-nation Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, a body set up two years ago to strengthen confidence building measures in China's border regions.

The idea that we go there by bus is acceptable because it is very far from here to the city. 我们坐车去那里的想法是可以接受的,因为从这里到城里很远。
The idea that within twenty years equally powerful computers smaller than postage stamps would be mass produced by the millions was pure science fiction. 把上百万台同样功能强大的计算机集成到一个比邮票还要小的块里的这个想法在那二十年里面纯粹只能是科幻小说。
The idea was floated at the meeting held in June. 这项意见是在六月召开的那次会上提出的。
The idea was gradually instilled in the mind of the young prince. 那种思想已逐渐灌输到了年幼的王子的头脑中。
The idea was inadequately represented. 这一思想没得到充分的阐述。
The idea was put forward at the meeting of the six-nation Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, a body set up two years ago to strengthen confidence building measures in China's border regions. 国家总理温家宝提议在中国和俄罗斯,哈萨克斯坦,乌兹别克斯坦,塔吉克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦各国交界的范围里,开辟一块自由经济贸易区。
The idea was that if you knew what people wanted, you could work backward and design a database that would give you just the data that you needed, and from there you could determine just what inputs you needed to update the database so that you could prod 其主要思想是:在知道了人们的需求后,逆向工作,设计一个仅含必需数据的数据库,然后再确定更新数据库必需的输入数据,产生需要的输出数据。
The idea was that things were changing so rapidly that we could just code applications very quickly, then throw them away and start over when the time for change arose. 这个思想认为环境和需求变化太快,因此我们唯一的办法只能是快速编写新代码,并且也快速的抛弃老代码。
The idea was the brain child of my father-in-law. 这个主意是我岳父琢磨出来的。
The idea was to find assets that were uncorrelated with traditional holdings, a move that should improve the risk-reward trade-off of portfolios. 其概念就是投资到与传统资产没有相关性的资产,以提高资产组合的风报交换。
The idea was to focus on customers who already had a relationship through Intel field sales and customer support ,and find ways to improve that relationship through the Internet. 这一构想是瞄准那些通过英特尔公司的实地销售和客户支持已建立起某种关系的客户,从而找到通过因特网改进客户关系的途径。

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