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    Different substances move at different rates (depending on their absorption-desorption) and are therefore spatially separable, the least readily absorbed being carried the farthest.

    中文: 不同的物质的移动速度不同(依靠各自的吸收-解吸收能力)因而在空间上可以被分开。 更详细进入...
    Not just young people, but grown-ups are not using honorific Japanese properly. With the language guidelines, we hope to spread the correct use of the Japanese language.

    中文: 不仅仅是年轻人,一些成年人也不会正确使用敬语.我们希望能通过语言方面的指导来推广日语的正确用法. 更详细进入...
    The autonomous cycle length varies at different periods in the life span.

    中文: 自动周期的年度随人生不同阶段而不同。 更详细进入...
    In Europe only Basque, Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Turkish, and a few languages of Russia are not of this family; the others have apparently all descended from an original parent tongue.

    中文: 在欧洲只有巴斯克语、芬兰语、爱沙尼亚语、匈牙利语、土耳其语和俄罗斯的几种语言不属于印欧语系,其它语言显然由一种母语派生而来。 更详细进入...
    If that were not so, it would be possible for a Japanese investor to sell yen, buy dollars, invest those dollars at high American interest rates for 12 months and simultaneously sell the dollars forward for yen to lock in a profit in a year's time.

    中文: 如果不是这样,投资者可以买入美元/日元,用美元作出高息投资的同时卖出相同期限的美元/日元远期以锁定利润。 更详细进入...
    Member Benefits are subject to change without notice. Offers cannot combine with other promotions or discount.

    中文: 会员优惠可随时更改而不作另行通知,不得与其他折扣同时使用。 更详细进入...
    I found some gay,give my classmate.

    中文: 我挑出几条英语成语,考了一下我的同班同学。 更详细进入...
    He spoke not only one language.

    中文: 韩佳:他可不止说了一种语言呢。 更详细进入...
    Both men and women can benefit greatly by remembering how differently we keep score.

    中文: 男女都可由了解双方记分法的不同而获得很大的利益。 更详细进入...
    In Japanese the verb is postponed.

    中文: 日语是动词置于后的。 更详细进入...
    When did you take up Japanese?

    中文: 你何时开始学日语的? 更详细进入...
    Pragmatic ambiguity is unavoidable in the process of language use.

    中文: 摘要语用歧义是语言运用过程中产生的一种不可避免的语言现象。 更详细进入...
    They inspire others, and not just by what they say, but by what they do.

    中文: 他们不靠语言,而是用行动来激励他人。 更详细进入...
    In the past, the teaching of Chinese only focused on knowledge transmission, and overlooked, to a greater or lesser extent, the interpretation of the cultural meanings contained in language, thus leading to misunderstanding caused by the inappropriate exp

    中文: 摘要以往的一些汉语教学注重语言知识的传输,不同程度地忽视了语言所具有的文化意义的解读,因此,造成留学生在实际运用时出现不合适、不得体的表述,从而引起误会。 更详细进入...
    Do you speak everyday English every day?

    中文: 你天天讲日常英语吗? 更详细进入...
    I picked some english idioms and tested my classmates with them.

    中文: 我挑出几条英语成语,考了一下我的同班同学。 更详细进入...
    Bloomers is a word which has been applied to several types of divided women's garments for the lower body at various times.

    中文: 灯笼裤在英语里是一个用来描述几种不同的女性*衣着的词语。 更详细进入...
    Wang has released 10 Mandarin and two Japanese albums.

    中文: 王力宏发行了10张国语和2张日语专辑。 更详细进入...
    But the results of machine translation are usually in an unnatural form of language and sometimes just plain weird.

    中文: 但是机器翻译出来的东西,其语言形式通常是不自然的,而且有时候简直令人不可思议。 更详细进入...
    In general, it is fruitful to study quotations by dividing them into genres, each characterized by a world view that in turn leads to specific forms, tones, and contexts.

    中文: 大致说来,将语录划分为不同文类的研究方法颇获成效,不同文类依其不同壮界观被区分开来,如此便产生某特定形式、语调及文脉。 更详细进入...

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