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Pragmatic ambiguity is unavoidable in the process of language use.

Practitioner of the art of graffiti. 涂鸦的艺术从业者。
Practitioner-entrepreneurs want to figure out the most advantageous legal structure for their social mission activities, philanthropists want to make sure they aren't ignoring innovations in social change efforts, and academics try to give us a bird's eye 实践派企业家希望为他们的社会使命活动找到最有利的合法结构,慈善家们希望确保他们没有忽略社会变革成效中的革新,学者们试图给我们整个事件的鸟瞰图。
Praefectus aerarii militaris. A former praetor, responsible for the pensions of the legionaries. There were three of them. 由前大法官担任的职位,负责军团士兵的退役金管理。共有3人。
Praefectus alimentorum. A former consul who was responsible for the financial support of orphans. 由一位前执政官担任的职位,负责象孤儿提供抚恤金。
Praefectus urbi. A former consul who served as mayor of Rome. 由一位前执政官担任的职位,其执掌等同于罗马市长。
Pragmatic ambiguity is unavoidable in the process of language use. 摘要语用歧义是语言运用过程中产生的一种不可避免的语言现象。
Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options. 实际的行为保证了基本的生存,而空想只会被更简单、更急迫的选择取代。
Pragmatic meaning and lexicographic meaning are related to each other at the deep level while contrasting with each other at the superficial level. 语用意义与词典意义不仅存在差异,也有深层次的内在关联。
Pragmatic presupposition has been widely used in advertisements, which makes advertisements precise, attractive and convincing. 摘要语用预设是广告用语中运用比较广泛的一种语用手段,它的使用使广告准确简洁,极具吸引力和说服力。
Pragmatically, marked idioms have the functions of belongingness, attraction, rhetoric, modification and economy. 在语用上,有标记习语有归属功能、吸引功能、修辞功能、限定及节俭功能。
Pragmatics and cognitive linguistics provide different perspectives for irony study. 摘要语用学和认知语言学为反语的研究提供了不同的视角。

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