Here I show two pictures above, and I take them in the wayside of near my habitation by the river.
中文: 这里我附了二张照片,是在离我居所不远的沿河路边拍的。 更详细进入...
Cloning and Expressing of the Fragment of Porcine Circovirus2 ORF2 Gene
中文: 河北地区猪圆环病毒二型ORF2基因片段的克隆与原核表达 更详细进入...
In the following chitchat between us, he kept praising the author with luxurious dictions as the greatest writer of contemporary China.
中文: 聊天时,他赞不绝口地夸二月河是“当代中国最伟大的作家”。 更详细进入...
Discovery of Devonian spores in the Huoshenmiao Formation of the Erlangping Group in the Xixia area,Henan,China
中文: 河南西峡地区二郎坪群火神庙组中发现泥盆纪孢子化石 更详细进入...
Research on the Joint Toxicity of Binary Mixture of Anilines on Mixed Bacteria in Bianhe River
中文: 苯胺类二元混合物对汴河水中混合细菌的联合毒性研究 更详细进入...
We sell over 5 times as many encyclopedias as World Book does, which is the second most popular encyclopedia.
中文: 我们超过5倍同样地卖许多百科全书当世界书做的时候,第二套最流行的百科全书是哪一。 更详细进入...
With consolidated assets of HK$669.1 billion at the end of 2006, the Bank reported a profit attributable to shareholders of HK$12.04 billion for the year 2006.
中文: 截至2006年年底,本行之集团总资产为港币六千六百九十一亿元,而2006年全年之股东应得溢利为港币一百二十亿零四百万元。 更详细进入...
Article 254 Any functionary of a State organ who, abusing his power or using his public office for private ends, retaliates against or frames up complainants, petitioners, critics or persons who report against him shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprison
中文: 第二百五十四条国家机关工作人员滥用职权、假公济私,对控告人、申诉人、批评人、举报人实行报复陷害的,处二年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;情节严重的,处二年以上七年以下有期徒刑。 更详细进入...
Inter-specific association of dominant species in Baihua Mountain meadow of Beijing.
中文: 北京百花山草甸优势种的种间关联性分析 更详细进入...
The golden spoons were twelve, full of incense, weighing ten shekels apiece, after the shekel of the sanctuary: all the gold of the spoons was an hundred and twenty shekels.
中文: 86十二个金盂盛满了香,按圣所的平,每盂重十舍客勒,所有的金子共一百二十舍客勒。 更详细进入...
They were enrolled by genealogy, according to their generations, heads of their fathers' households, 20, 200 mighty men of valor.
中文: 代上7:9他们都是族长、是大能的勇士、按著家谱计算、他们的子孙共有二万零二百人。 更详细进入...
Title to the lease item vests in the lessor. In case the lessee enters into bankruptcy, the lease item is not part of its bankruptcy assets.
中文: 第二百四十二条出租人享有租赁物的所有权。承租人破产的,租赁物不属于破产财产。 更详细进入...
And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.
中文: 16我又听见乌莱河两岸中有人声呼叫说,加百列阿,要使此人明白这异象。 更详细进入...
Guandu plain, where the Jilong and Danshui Rivers meet, is a wetland and a great place to catch sight of migratory birds.
中文: 位于基隆河与淡水河交会处的关渡平原为溼地地形,也是观赏候鸟的绝佳去处。 更详细进入...
The tendencies of oversimplify and vulgarity in understanding IWCM and the suspective, even nagtive vtewpionts, should he overcome, and we should stick to IWCM for one or two hundred years.
中文: 要克服认识上的简单化、庸俗化倾向和怀疑甚至否定的观点,坚持一百年不动摇、二百年不动摇。 更详细进入...
It is a symbiotic relationship that has worked well for millions of years.
中文: 这个互利共生的关系已经持续了千百万年。 更详细进入...
Dual_-_Stavební_firma,_s_r_o Provádíme rekonstrukce dom? a byt?, sanace a vysou?ení staveb, vodoinstalatérské, elektromontá?ní a záme?nické práce.
中文: 盐城百瑞特精化有限公司生产海因系列产品,亚氯酸钠、双乙酸钠、5,5-二甲基海因、溴氯海因、二溴海因、二氯海因、三氯苯哒唑、二溴丙酸,二氧化氯,二溴代异丁酸。 更详细进入...
中文: 二棱大麦个性状的相关分析 更详细进入...
A Problem of the Middle point Chord of Quadri Curve
中文: 关于二次曲线的中点弦问题 更详细进入...
It main work includes: (I) To hold a Colloquium on Sung history regularly, so far it has been held 145 times; (2) To publish Studies on Sung History, so far 30 issues have been published; (3) To keep close relations with about 200 Chinese and foreign scho
中文: 其重要任务是:(一)定期举行宋史座谈会,已举行一百四十五次;(二)编印《宋史研究集》,已出版三十辑;(三)与国内外研究宋史学者的联系,约二百多人。 更详细进入...