The excavation of the right slope of the approach channel for the inlet of the spillway tunnel in Heihe Water Control Project has a significant effect upon the construction quality and the cost of the project.
中文: 摘要黑河水利枢纽右岸溢洪洞进口引渠右岸边坡的开挖方案,是影响该工程质量和造价的突出问题。 更详细进入...
2 Cor. 7:4 Great is my boldness toward you, great is my boasting on your behalf; I am filled with comfort, I overflow with joy in all our affliction.
中文: 林后七4我向你们大大地放胆,我为你们多多地夸口;我满得安慰,在我们一切的患难中,我格外地洋溢喜乐。 更详细进入...
C+ Permeated with dark shadows that recall Frankenstein and The Elephant Man, Unleashed features a quite clever premise before detouring into a plot twist that should've been muzzled.
中文: 三+ 洋溢著浓重的阴影,记得弗兰肯斯坦和大象人,发动具有相当巧妙的前提前迂迴成一个积扭应该已经带上 更详细进入...
In clinic, it can not only help to divert the outer wind, clear head and eyes, but also can nourish the Sui-haiand release the Shaoyang Meridian.
中文: 风池穴为足少阳胆经穴,位于头部髓海之下,与阳维脉相连,既可以疏风解表,清头明目,又可充溢髓海,和解少阳。 更详细进入...
In communities where storm drains feed into sewer pipes, heavy rains can cause overflows that dump untreated human waste into rivers, lakes and bays.
中文: 在某些社区,雨水沟的水会流入下水道,于是豪雨一来,尚未处理的人类排泄物就会溢出,流入河流、湖泊和海湾。 更详细进入...
The west side of every wood and rising ground gleamed like a boundary of Elysium, the sun on our backs seemed like a gentle herdsman driving us home at evening.
中文: 每处林木的西边和凸起的地面流光溢彩,宛如乐园的边际,夕阳在背好似和蔼的牧人晚间赶车送我们回家。 更详细进入...
His breath is like an overflowing torrent, Which reaches to the neck, To shake the nations back and forth in a sieve, And to put in the jaws of the peoples the bridle which leads to ruin.
中文: 赛30:28他的气如涨溢的河水、直涨到颈项、要用毁灭的筛箩、筛净列国.并且在众民的口中、必有使人错行的嚼环。 更详细进入...
In practice, however, Mr McVey argues that investors, particularly fund managers, are only too happy to accept a bid premium from a private-equity group.
中文: 可麦克维认为,在实际中投资者,特别是基金经理人,都只会高高兴兴地接受私人股本集团提出的收购溢价。 更详细进入...
It is greater than the current yield when the bond is selling at a discount and less than the current yield when the bond is selling at a premium.
中文: 如果债券以折扣价格出售,该收益率大于当前收益率;如果债券以升溢价格出售,该收益率小于当前收益率。 更详细进入...
Then he experienced blessing power filled his body and simultaneously he saw in his mind branching lightning, and this occurred consecutively for three times.
中文: 接着他经历了加持的力量充溢全身,并且同时看到他脑海里出现了分枝似的闪电光,而这情况连续地有三回。 更详细进入...
This study focuses on the subject of functionally complementary brand alliances and explores the spillover effects of the perceived value of ingredient product, ingredient brand equity, and frequency of ingredient brand nested in other brand alliances on
中文: 摘要本研究以功能互补性品牌联盟为对象,探讨配备产品与配备品牌特性对核心产品产生的外溢影响效果。 更详细进入...
With more and more medium-sized Chinese firms listing in Hong Kong next year, the premium will be likely to be diluted. particularly if new shares listing at even lower multiples.
中文: 随著明年愈来愈多中型中资行在港上巿,上述溢价很可能会被摊薄,尤其若新股以较低的倍数上巿时更甚。 更详细进入...
You cultivate in the field with blooming like brocade in the moonlihgt. Our childhood record your ebullient poem. Our future is brewing in your bosom.
中文: 您披一身星光,耕耘去繁花似锦的田野。我们的童年,记满您热情洋溢的诗句;我们的未来,就酝酿在您的怀里。 更详细进入...
Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
中文: 17不要以恶报恶,众人以为美的事,要留心去作。 更详细进入...
At a time of widespread economic well-being in the United States, middle-class sons and daughters rebelled against the lifestyle of their parents; They intensely opposed materialism and the War in Vietnam, overflowed with idealism and utopian fantasies an
中文: 那是全社会普遍繁荣下美国中产阶级子女对父母生活方式的叛逆,激烈反物质反越战,处处洋溢着理想主义和左翼乌托邦幻想,连吸毒也紧连着精神超越。 更详细进入...
And his breath, as an overflowing stream, shall reach to the midst of the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of vanity: and there shall be a bridle in the jaws of the people, causing them to err.
中文: 赛30:28他的气如涨溢的河水、直涨到颈项、要用毁灭的筛箩、筛净列国.并且在众民的口中、必有使人错行的嚼环。 更详细进入...
Ever since,people have called the pond Yasha-ga-Ike. It has always been filled with water to brim,never failing to give enough water to villagers.
中文: 后来村民们就把这个池塘叫“夜叉之池”。这个池塘终年满溢着池水,一直提供给村民们足够的水来生活和耕作。 更详细进入...
His description about German history without mincing words, his regret and condemnation to Nazism, as well as his great sympathy for miserable Jews indicate his character charming of humanitarian ration and noble enthusiasm which reminds people of histori
中文: 文本充溢着其人道主义理性与高尚激情相交织的人格魅力,唤起了世人对历史的记忆,提醒世人以史为鉴。 更详细进入...
Our future is brewed in your chest. Our childhood is full of your hearty poems. You do work hand with stars in the beautiful acre.
中文: 我们的童年,记满您热情洋溢的诗句;我们的未来,就酝酿在您的怀里。您披一身星光,耕耘于繁花似锦的田野。 更详细进入...
The Greek oil tanker Aegean Sea, carrying 80,000 tonnes of crude oil, runs aground in a storm while approaching La Coru?a, Spain, and spills much of its cargo.
中文: 1992年,装载着8万吨原油的“爱琴海”号希腊油轮在接近西班牙的拉·科鲁尼亚时搁浅,造成大量船上货物的溢出。 更详细进入...