He had declined salary arbitration from the club in December, leaving him available to pursue offers as a free agent.
中文: 他在十二月份拒绝了球团提出的薪资仲裁,让他自己成为自由球员。 更详细进入...
I am proud of leaving behind me a story of success and creativity.
中文: 想表达的意思:我为(自己)身后留下的成功及创造性的故事感到自豪。 更详细进入...
Surrounding Qinghai lake international racing cycle has already become a uppermost class racing cycle in the Asia.
中文: 摘要环青海湖国际公路自行车赛已成为亚洲顶级公路自行车赛事。 更详细进入...
That's why we don't trust a merely artistic approach by architects. The shapes, however complicated it appears to be, becomes self-explanatory again.
中文: 我们不认为建筑师仅仅是考虑造型的艺术。形式,无论看上去多么复杂,最终都只是自己为自己做注解而已。 更详细进入...
That's largely because it has been coming into its own as the first full-blown alternative since the end of the Cold War to Washington's model of free markets and democracy.
中文: 这很大程度上是因为自冷战结束后,它就进入繁盛期,成为华盛顿自由市场和民主模式之外的第一个全面成熟的选项。 更详细进入...
The manager and some of the more established players in the squad are well used to dealing with that, but it represents a baptism of fire for the younger players and a fast-track into the sweet and sour world of being a Manchester United player.
中文: 教练和一些场上队员也许都习惯成自然了,但是这对于年轻队员来说无异于一场凤凰涅磐,这使他们在成为红魔的路上早早就尽偿酸甜苦辣。 更详细进入...
Thenceforward, if left to their own resources, they are the victims, not the masters, of their environment; and it is a bad master.
中文: 打这开始,假如他们孤立无援,他们便成为外部环境的牺牲品,环境则成为他们的主宰,恶劣的主宰。 更详细进入...
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate-we cannot consecrate-we cannot hallow-this ground.
中文: 可是,就更深一层意义而言,我们是无从奉献这片土地的--无从使它成为圣地--也不能把它变为人们景仰之所。 更详细进入...
She never disciplines her children and they are uncontrollable.
中文: 她从不管教自己的孩子,弄得他们无法无天。 更详细进入...
Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control, these three alone lead life to sovereign power.
中文: 只要自重、自觉、自制,人生就可达到至高无上的境地。 更详细进入...
However, humans are often self-centered and pre-occupied with our own ideas and thus produce irreconcilable idealogical categories.
中文: 人往往以自我为中心生出种种成见,由成见划分出是非彼此,为坚持是非,彼此你争我斗,互不相容,终生役役迷失自我。 更详细进入...
G:You must defeat one of the guild's lower level members in personal combat to be true barbarian.
中文: 你必须独自击败公会的低等级成员之一才能成为真正的野蛮人。 更详细进入...
A:The speaker boasted that he would talk about the secret of becoming a successful man, but he actually made much ado about nothing.
中文: 演讲者吹嘘说他会谈论如何成为一位成功人士,但事实上他却是在无中生有。 更详细进入...
If a thing is difficult to be accomplished by thyself, do not think that it is impossible for man: but if anything is possible for man and conformable to his nature, think that this can be attained by thyself too.
中文: 不要认为你自己无法独立完成的事,其他人也不能够:如果对某人而言某件事是可能的并与其本性相一致,那么他就能独立完成这件事。 更详细进入...
Since ancient we've know” courtesy calls for reciprocity”, The key element of modern enterprise of success is to communicate and benefit for each other, forming a invisible competition enterprise of human quality and spirit.
中文: “礼尚往来”自古便有此训,不断的沟通与交流,互惠互利,形成一种企业人文素质与人文精神繁荣无形竞争力,这是为现代企业实现成功的要素。 更详细进入...
In a loose sense, accreditation can be construed as constituting a minimal standard for institutional academic acceptance.
中文: 在自由的意识理念中,组成可能被解释作为构成一个最小的标准而为协会学术采纳。 更详细进入...
Don't be irreplaceable----if you can't be replaced,you can't be promoted.
中文: 切勿成为不可替代的人——如果那样的话,你便无法得到提升。 更详细进入...
I get stuck now, there is not enough time for me to finish the work.
中文: 我无法进行下去了,因为没有足够的时间来完成这项工作。 更详细进入...
It's sure thing that he'll succeed at what he chooses to do because he's so talented.
中文: 因为他那样有才干,他选定的事必将成功,这是无可置疑的。 更详细进入...
He died protesting his innocence to the last.
中文: 他至死都坚称自己无罪. 更详细进入...