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    Harmony promotes co-existence and co-prosperity; whereas differences foster mutual complementation and mutual support.

    中文: 和谐而又不千篇一律,不同而又不相互冲突。 更详细进入...
    Each cost varies based on the profile of the organization.

    中文: 每种花费根据机构规模的不同而不同。 更详细进入...
    How can project dynamics be so different from one team to the next?

    中文: 怎样才能使项目因团队的不同而不同? 更详细进入...
    Studies anEnglish minute two stride, first step studies English, second step iswith English, moreover does not have second step not to be good.

    中文: 学英语分两大步,第一步是学英语,第二步就是用英语,而且没有第二步不行。 更详细进入...
    Needed: English native speaker(Female).Teach a girl oral English, meanwhile she will teach you Chinese. No fee occurs.

    中文: 求:外国人口语家教(女性)。教一女生英语口语,同时该女生教你中文。互不收费。 更详细进入...
    The West Germanic language of the Flemings.

    中文: 佛莱芒语佛莱芒人使用的西日耳曼语 更详细进入...
    STAY COOL UNDER FIRE Respond to the content of your boss's tirade, not the curses.

    中文: 在盛怒下保持冷静只可回应你老板所责骂的事,而不回应他的恶言恶语。 更详细进入...
    By so doing day by day, our level of Chinese language will be greatly raised.

    中文: 如此下去,日积月累,我们的语文水平一定可以大大提高。 更详细进入...
    Therefore, reexamination and appropriate restriction is quite necessary for the standardization of the usage of Japanese.

    中文: 可见,对片假名外来语的引进进行反思和适当的限制对规范日语的使用十分必要。 更详细进入...
    Public schools can bar clothing with slogans that are hurtful, a US appeals court ruled on Thursday.

    中文: 美国一上诉法院近日判决:公立学校将有权制止学生穿着印有不雅标语的衣服.该判决的起因是一件印有“同性恋可耻”的T恤. 更详细进入...
    Also, their effective dates vary.

    中文: 此外,它们的有效日期也不同。 更详细进入...
    It can not be expressed by words.

    中文: 无法用语言来表达它(不可言传)。 更详细进入...
    Since the identity that is known or knowable by the gods, by psychiatry, or by the party is at the same time the identity that is assigned the status of paramount reality, legitimation again integrates all conceivable transformations of identity with the

    中文: 当上帝、精神医师、一群人所知或可知的证同是至高无上的实在时,正当化再次将证同可想而知的变化与在社会日常生活中扎根的证同整合。 更详细进入...
    The Japanese government panel has proposed publishing manuals explaining to people how the language should be used.

    中文: 不仅仅是年轻人,一些成年人也不会正确使用敬语.我们希望能通过语言方面的指导来推广日语的正确用法. 更详细进入...
    Rage drakes do not speak,but they understand Common and Draconic within the limits of their intelligence.

    中文: 狂暴龙兽不会言语,但凭着它们有限的智力可以理解通用语和龙语。 更详细进入...
    And the vaccine might be of little use if a different virus causes the next pandemic.

    中文: 而且如果不同的病毒导致新的流感,这种疫苗可能就不太有用了。 更详细进入...
    Mary's neat and Jane's untidy, so if they have to share a room there'll probably be friction.

    中文: 玛丽整洁而珍邋遢,她们如果不得不同住一室,那麽可能会有摩擦。 更详细进入...
    Likewise, interpersonal relationships can be coordinated and enhanced surprisingly in the way of employing graceful words instead of disagreeable or disgusting ones.

    中文: 而且,通过使用更文雅或适当的英语委婉语,可以改善和协调人际关系。 更详细进入...
    The last two kinds of cohesive devices may account for some texts which were previously considered to have achieved coherence without any cohesive device.

    中文: 这后两点或可解释某些以前被认为没有衔接机制而语义连贯的语段。 更详细进入...
    One of two words derived from the same historical source by different routes of transmission, such as skirt from Scandinavian and shirt from English.

    中文: 同源词词源相同但是传播途径不同的一对词中的一个,如skirt来自斯堪的纳维亚语和shirt来自英语 更详细进入...

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