【Description】colorless or nearly colorless transparent liquid.
中文: 本品为无色或几乎无色澄明液体。 更详细进入...
Article 24 Directors and supervisors are unpaid positions.
中文: 第24条(无给职)理事、监事为无给职。 更详细进入...
Turning a C3 plant into a C4 one, though, is trickier than conferring flood resistance, since it involves wholesale changes in anatomy.
中文: 不过,将C3植物转化成C4植物由于涉及无数的结构变化,因此比培育抗涝品种要更为复杂。 更详细进入...
Evolution:from Naturalism to Liberalism;
中文: 进化,从自然主义到自由主义 更详细进入...
For Via Modesta Valenti is one of at least a half a dozen virtual streetsin Italy that bear witness to Italian inventiveness, soft-heartedness - and skill at dodging awkward laws.
中文: 为解决无家可归者生活中的一些具体问题,意大利一位来自博洛尼亚的官员最近想到了为无家可归者创建虚拟大街的主意。 更详细进入...
I have bared my life before your eyes from end to end , with nothing hidden or held back . That is why you know me not .
中文: 我已经把我的生活自始至终,全部暴露在你的面前,毫无隐藏,毫无保留。这就是你为什么不了解我的缘故。 更详细进入...
Those who buy them slay them and go unpunished, and each of those who sell them says, 'Blessed be the Lord, for I have become rich!
中文: 亚11:5买他们的宰了他们、以自己为无罪.卖他们的说、耶和华是应当称颂的、因我成为富足。 更详细进入...
Yet He put on flesh, made HIMSELF as naught - even as was promised throughout, to those who walked and talked with God.
中文: 他来到人间,为自己无有保留---尽管一直有保证(给予)---为了那些与神对话、与上帝同行的人们。 更详细进入...
The Repeatable Level Principle: For an organization to mature beyond chaos, it must install basic management controls that instill self-discipline.
中文: 可重复级原则:对于从无序向成熟转化的组织,它必须通过建立基本的管理控制以潜移默化一种自律能力。 更详细进入...
She under no circumstances disciplines her children and they are uncontrollable.
中文: 无论在什么情况下她从不惩戒自己的孩子,因而他们都变得无法无天。 更详细进入...
These desires spring from the Self Will of the unspiritualized intellect of humanity whom the world worships as a symbol of success.
中文: 这些欲望源自人类未灵性化的智力的自我意志,世人将其作为“成功标志”来崇拜。 更详细进入...
A, Lower extremity from groin to toes encased in sterile towels and sterile pillowcase; these in turn surrounded by sterile roller bandage.
中文: 下肢自腹股沟到足趾包入无菌巾和无菌枕套内,并依次环绕无菌绷带。 更详细进入...
Americans are proud of their variety and individuality, yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform, whether it is the uniform of an elevator operator or the uniform of a five-star general. Why are uniforms so popular in the United States?
中文: 美国人为他们的多样化和个性而自豪,然而他们最热爱和推崇的是“制服”。—— 无论是电梯操作员的制服还是五星上将的制服。制服在美国为何如此受宠呢? 更详细进入...
Keep your own counsel. Don't share all your dilemmas. Even if you resolve them you'll have left the impression that you're 14)indecisive or unable to cope with pressure.
中文: 把决定权拿在自己手里,不要事无巨细都向同事请教。因为即使你已经自己解决了问题,你会给人以优柔寡断或无法面对压力的不良印象。 更详细进入...
The effects of wildness training giant pandas grazing and artificial harvesting on the regeneration of umbrella bamboo(Fargesia robusta) clone population
中文: 野化培训大熊猫采食和人为砍伐对拐棍竹无性系种群更新的影响 更详细进入...
Humans erect cities to shelter themselves from nature's capricious ways.
中文: 人类建造城市在反复无常的大自然中庇护自己。 更详细进入...
Supplies custom made automated non-destructive testing and measuring systems for industrial applications.
中文: 提供自制的工业用途自动无损探伤和测量系统。 更详细进入...
The coupon torm,damaged or altered without permission is invalid.
中文: 本券自行撕角,缺损或擅自更改内容均视作无效。 更详细进入...
Wilbur: When free verse succeeds, it can be excitingly spare and unassisted.
中文: 自由诗写得好的时候,可以无所依凭而自成一格。 更详细进入...
Self-praise is no recommendation.
中文: 自夸不足为自荐。 更详细进入...