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    Riefenstahl's use of moving cameras, telephoto lenses, distorted perspectives and aerial photography captivated audiences.

    中文: 瑞芬斯塔尔采用了移动摄影机、长焦镜头、失真透视和空中摄影技术,令观众为之着迷。 更详细进入...
    According to the similarity of blogs?

    中文: 博客的相似性? 更详细进入...
    In both the House and Senate, Democratic majorities have passed bills that would impose restrictions on our military commanders, set an ___2___date for withdrawal from Iraq, and fund domestic spending that has nothing to do with the war.

    中文: 在众议院和参议院中,大多数民主党通过了限制我们的军队司令以及坚决要求从伊拉克撤军并在国内做出非战争支出的法案. 更详细进入...
    In both the House and Senate, Democratic majorities have passed bills that would impose restrictions on our military commanders, set an ___2_arbitrary__date for withdrawal from Iraq, and fund domestic spending that has nothing to do with the war.

    中文: 在众议院和参议院中,大多数民主党通过了限制我们的军队司令以及坚决要求从伊拉克撤军并在国内做出非战争支出的法案. 更详细进入...
    The basic roadmap of stock option pricing for gaming are studied through game theory.

    中文: 运用博弈论,拟定了股票期权定价博弈的基本思路。 更详细进入...
    The focuses of my visit were the site tour and museum exhibition.

    中文: 此番博物馆行的重点在于参观园区与博物馆展示。 更详细进入...
    This time around, the prime minister took action; he declined the offer of the head of the service to stay in office one more year in order to help oversee the implementation of the disengagement.

    中文: 但这次,总理决然采取了行动;他并没有采纳情报服务机构提出的建议——再按兵不动一年,以观察撤离计划的实施情况? 更详细进入...
    We advise emerging market countries to be very cautious adopting pegged or heavily managed exchange rate systems.

    中文: 我们建议新兴市场国家在采取钉住汇率或严格管理汇率时必须十分谨慎。 更详细进入...
    Ph. D .signifies Doctor of Philosophy.

    中文: 意为哲学博士。 更详细进入...
    Does it include the museum?

    中文: 包括博物馆吗? 更详细进入...
    Good evening DrJohn.

    中文: 晚安,约翰博士。 更详细进入...
    Having read many friends' blog, I am surprised at how different blogs can be.

    中文: 看了很多人的博客,我很惊讶于博客竟可以这么不同。 更详细进入...
    The objective of the countermeasures against ground subsidence is exploitation of largest amount of groundwater with smallest amount of ground subsidence, with the objective function (The equation abbreviated).

    中文: 摘要对地面沉降对策的目标是“多开采,少沉降”,提出目标函数函数(议程式略)。 更详细进入...
    With an introduction of the planning of the Shanghai UMT (urban mass transit system) and IRS (intercity rail system) the traffic demands to the network of Shanghai the trans-regional transportation during EXPO 2010, the author argues that the shortages of

    中文: 摘要分析了2010年上海举办世博会期间的上海城市与城际轨道网络的运输要求,分析了举办世博会条件下上海城市和城际轨道交通网络存在的问题,提出了举办世博会条件下上海城市和城际轨道交通网络建设的建议。 更详细进入...
    Hunter serves as chairman of the House Armed Services Committee but is relatively unknown outside Washington and San Diego.

    中文: 亨特出任众议院军事委员会主席,但他在华盛顿和圣地亚哥以外的地方却鲜为人知。 更详细进入...
    The United Manager also played down suggestions of a knee-jerk foray into the transfer market to further bolster the Reds' striking department.

    中文: 受(众多球员因)膝伤困扰,爵爷同时也建议球会在转会市场上为球队进一步增加实力! 更详细进入...
    House critics maintain the Senate plan grants amnesty to those who have broken U.S. laws, but the president, the former governor of a border state, said it is realistic.

    中文: 众议院持批评态度的议员认为,参议院的计划等于对那些违反美国法律的人施行大赦。但是曾经在美国与墨西哥交界的德克萨斯州担任过州长的布什总统却认为,参议院的计划是切实可行的。 更详细进入...
    It may be easy for a Dutch court to apply Belgian law when dealing with the uncontested divorce of a Belgian couple, but less so for a Spanish court to apply Polish rules, let alone Iranian or Indonesian, and especially not when the divorce is contested.

    中文: 在处理没有争议的比利时夫妻的离婚时,荷兰法庭很容易采用比利时的法律,而西班牙的法庭采用波兰的可能性就比较小,更不用说伊朗或者说印尼,尤其是当离婚案有争议时. 更详细进入...
    Eph. 4:6 One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

    中文: 弗四6一位众人的神与父,就是那超乎众人,贯乎众人,也在众人之内的。 更详细进入...
    He has a doctor's degree.

    中文: 他得过博士学位。 更详细进入...

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