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Riefenstahl's use of moving cameras, telephoto lenses, distorted perspectives and aerial photography captivated audiences.

Riding the bullet train is an interesting experience in and of itself. 搭乘子弹式高速列车也是相当有趣的经历。
Riding with a drunken driver is a risk. 乘坐一个喝醉酒的司机的车是一种冒险。
Riding with both hands is obligatory in the test at all International Dressage Events. 在国际马协的所有马场马术比赛的测验中都必须双手持韁。
Ridker PM, Cushman M, Stamper MJ , et al . Inflammation , aspirin , andthe risk of ardiovascular disease in apparently healthy men [J ] . N Engl JMed , 1997 , 336 (4) : 9732979. 刘东,刘增长,董军,等.冠心病患者c反应蛋白的临床意义及阿司匹林的影响[J].临床心血管病杂志,2000,16:64265.
Ridsdale said: We have offered an attractive package and are hopeful Robbie will decide to come to Cardiff City. 瑞得斯代尔表示:“我们已经提供了一份很有吸引力的合同给罗比,希望他能选择加的夫城。
Riefenstahl's use of moving cameras, telephoto lenses, distorted perspectives and aerial photography captivated audiences. 瑞芬斯塔尔采用了移动摄影机、长焦镜头、失真透视和空中摄影技术,令观众为之着迷。
Riesling gives dry, neat, graceful and well-balanced wine, and is known to be the finest Alsace wine. 最好的阿尔萨斯产区的葡萄酒,色香味平衡。
Riesling is brilliant with fish, shell-fish, poultry, cold meat and famous Alsatian dishes such as sauerkraut or smoked ham. 配合鱼,牡蛎,家禽,冷餐肉和阿尔萨斯名菜,如酸香草熏火腿(德国)。
Riesling: Manual!? Look, just don't pawn off your old toys on me! 说明书!?看,不要把你的旧玩家丢给我!
Rieter has been present in China for more than 70 years and is among the recognised market leaders for spinning machines. 立达集团的纺织机械销售业务已在中国开展了70多年,被公认为纺纱机械市场的领导者。
Rifeng enterprise culture that takes Rifeng spirit of innovation, specialty, unity and faithfulness and management theory of “we engages in more professional service” as core, it highlights culture unique feature “Base on people”, stresses on the enterpri 以创新、专业、团结和忠诚的日丰精神和“我们从事更专业的服务”的经营理念为核心的日丰机械企业文化,突出了“以人为本”的文化特色,强调企业不仅要提供优质的产品,同时也要服务社会、造就员工、追求企业与员工的共同成长,从而产生强烈的感召力和凝聚力,有力地推动了企业的持续发展。

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