Religion: Almost all of the inhabitants profess Christan and Roman Catholic, with 66% belonging to the Ekalesia Niue, a Protestant church.
中文: 宗教:居民中66%为信奉埃克利西亚纽埃教(属基督新教),10%信奉摩门教,5%信奉罗马天主教。 更详细进入...
The relationship between educational theory and practice is, in essence, the question of interaction and transformation between the two kinds of agents.
中文: 摘要教育理论与实践的关系问题,归根到底是教育研究主体和教育实践主体之间的交往与相互转换的问题。 更详细进入...
Famous Professor and educator, one of the creators of Beijing Film Academy, former Vice President and Dean.
中文: 著名摄影教育家,北京电影学院知名教授,北京电影学院摄影学院主要创始人之一,该院原副院长兼教务主任。 更详细进入...
Is there a Catholic church near here?
中文: 附近有天主教教堂吗? 更详细进入...
Education can't take place of perseverance. There are lots of well-educators abandoned by the world.
中文: 教育不能取代坚持,世界上有的是受过高等教育的弃儿。 更详细进入...
In other words, we do not educate children only for educating them.
中文: 换句话说,我们教育孩子不仅仅是为了使他们受到教育。 更详细进入...
Transylvania was now beyond the reach of Catholic religious authority, allowing Lutheran and Calvinist preaching to flourish.
中文: 特兰西瓦尼亚摆脱了罗马天主教的宗教控制,允许路德教会和加尔文教会在境内传教。 更详细进入...
But his protestations nevertheless represented an unusual degree of expiation by a pope, whose views on some issues can be proclaimed infallible.
中文: 不过他的声明还是象征着教皇的一种不同寻常的补偿,教廷曾宣称教皇有关一些议题的观点一贯正确。 更详细进入...
Some documents contain material which was taught over several lectures. Lectures 14 and 21 contain some blank pages, which were filled out by students as part of a class exercise.
中文: 部分的教材需要数堂课才教得完。第14及21次上课的教材有一些页数空白,将作为学生练习使用并填写之。 更详细进入...
The planning of professional course of our institute, know and design in accordance with the developing direction of our institute and key principle, and fully utilize this school medical college and set up medical education resources of the hospital, reg
中文: 本组专业课程之规划,悉依本组发展方向和重点原则加以设计,并充分利用本校医学院及附设医院之医学教育资源,以培育优秀之研究人才为教育及教学特色。 更详细进入...
But other schools train leaders in Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and other faith traditions.
中文: 但还有一些学校教授教会管理者关于犹太教、伊斯里兰教、佛教以及其它信仰传统的课程。 更详细进入...
To make the factors of vocational education penetrate into general education at secondary level and to train the students' aptitude and capability for their future career is not only the important substances of promoting the new round curriculum reform bu
中文: 摘要在普通中等教育阶段,渗透职业教育因素,培养学生形成良好的职业技术素养和职业能力,不仅是基础教育推行新一轮课程改革的重要内容,也是“大职业教育观”应有之义。 更详细进入...
Religion: Most Christians adhere to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, while there is a substantial minority of Muslims.
中文: 宗教:大部分基督教徒信奉保加利亚的东正教,少数人信奉伊斯兰教。 更详细进入...
The rural education includes the elementary education, the adult education and the vocational education generally and so on several parts.
中文: 摘要农村教育一般包括基础教育、成人教育和职业教育等几个部分。 更详细进入...
No, he's not. He is a baseball coach.
中文: 不,他不是。他是一位棒球教练。 更详细进入...
Currently the national dancing education only to be constantly reformed and innovated from the aspect of education notion, teaching material construction and teaching method, then being able to fit with the requirement of the times development, and could
中文: 当代民族民间舞蹈教育只有在教育观念、教材建设、教学方法上不断改革与创新,才能适应时代发展的要求,才能有力地促进我国民族民间舞蹈教育事业的不断发展。 更详细进入...
Urban IV becomes Pope, the last man to do so without being a Cardinal first.
中文: 1261年的今天,乌尔班四世成为教皇,成为最后一个没在之前当过枢机的教皇。 更详细进入...
Mr Jeffs is the leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS).
中文: 杰夫是耶稣基督末世圣徒原教旨教会的教主。 更详细进入...
The twelve presidents who held office from1890 to1963 represented religious denominations as follows: two Methodists, two Presbyterians, two Baptists, one Unitarian, one Dutch Reformed, one Congregationalist, one Quaker, one Episcopalian, and one Roman Ca
中文: 从1890年到1963年任职的十二位总统所属的教派如下:两位卫理公会教徒,两位长老会教徒,两位浸礼会教徒,一位唯一神派教徒,一位荷兰新教徒,一位公理会教徒,一位公谊会教徒,一位圣公会教徒,一位罗马天主教徒。 更详细进入...
Obviously China's few average per capita expenditure on education could not even compare with Uganda,an African poor country.
中文: 可见中国的人均教育开支之少,连非洲穷国乌干达都比不上。 更详细进入...