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    Sound can be stored in many different formats.

    中文: 声音可以使用多种不同格式保存。 更详细进入...
    Teachers shouldn't be prejudiced against any student at all.

    中文: 教师决不应对任何学生存有偏见. 更详细进入...
    The closing of the bank will entail inconvenience on the army of depositors.

    中文: 银行的关闭会给存款人导致不便。 更详细进入...
    The number you dial is non-exist/unoccupied.

    中文: 你拨打的电话号码不存在/是空号。 更详细进入...
    We all know that , animals can't live without water.

    中文: 不用说,动物没有水是无法生存的。 更详细进入...
    Why don't you palm off the stocked goods now?

    中文: 你为什么不赶紧甩掉手中的存货? 更详细进入...
    No other ontological status may be ascribed to it without hopelessly obfuscating its empirical manifestations.

    中文: 除了想刻意混淆经验现实外,它不存在其他的存有学状态。 更详细进入...
    It is the basic question and traditional way of thinking of western philosophy to understand the world as existenceinstead of nonexistenceand explore and define the essence of the world through the concept of existence.

    中文: 摘要把世界理解为“存在”而不是“不存在”,并通过“存在”概念探求并界定世界的本质,是西方哲学传统的基本问题和思路。 更详细进入...
    For there is no nothing that could keep it from reaching out equally, nor can anything that is be more here and less there than what is, since it is all inviolable.

    中文: 因为既没有一个不存在者破坏团结,也没有一个存在者在这里或那里比存在者多点或少点,因为它是完全不可损毁的。 更详细进入...
    Caching data that is not immutable is risky because it can lead to anomalies.

    中文: 缓存不是不可变的数据是危险的,因为这可能导致异常。 更详细进入...
    Do not lose your head, no matter what danger may threaten you.

    中文: 不要丢失前进的目标,不管周围可能存在的危险的威胁。 更详细进入...
    That is a secret to survive, never go to war, especially with youself.

    中文: 生存的秘诀是,不要加入战争,尤其是你自己不要去打仗。 更详细进入...
    Sit not sad becasuse that time a fitful aspect weareth; Patience is most bitter,yet most sweet the fruit it beareth.

    中文: 不要因为时运不济而郁郁寡欢,忍耐虽然痛苦,果实却是香甜的。 更详细进入...
    Their teetering currency rates have caused their purchasing power to be weakened.

    中文: 有的国家政局不定、经济不稳,贸易保护主义升级,外交磨擦抬头。 更详细进入...
    Economics is not a straightforward discipline like Newtonian mechanics or Euclidean geometry.

    中文: 经济学不像牛顿力学或者欧几里德几何,它不是门直观的学科。 更详细进入...
    Real Estate Economics.

    中文: 不动产经济学》探讨不动产投资与城市规划和建设方面的问题。 更详细进入...
    As far as we could see, malnutrition in 2000 was nonexistent, though Cubans without access to U.S. dollars still struggle.

    中文: 就象我们看到的那样,2000年时的营养不良已经不复存在。 更详细进入...
    Sorry!The page that you clicked does not exist! Come back to PCgames.

    中文: 对不起,你所访问的页面不存在!返回太平洋游戏网首页。 更详细进入...
    These are difficult economic times. The company has to lay off some staff.

    中文: 现在经济不景气,公司只能裁减一些员工。 更详细进入...
    This, however, is emphatically not the economic problem which society faces.

    中文: 然而,这根本不是社会所面临的经济问题。 更详细进入...

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