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    membranacens var.mongolicus(bunge) Hsiao had sparsly short fine hairs whose surface was smooth,and its second leaf was quinate pinnately compound leaf. On the mature period,leaflets could get ~ 7,and leaflets was ~0mm in length, ~mm in width.

    中文: 而蒙古黄芪疏被短柔毛 ,毛表面较光滑 ,第 真叶即为具 小叶的羽状复叶 ,成熟时小叶多达 枚~ 7枚 ,小叶长 mm~ 0 m m,宽 mm~ mm。 更详细进入...
    Set Free Your Hands, just a step for water out.

    中文: 不用举手之劳,轻轻一踏,细水长流。 更详细进入...
    Vote by show of hands no longer exists in People's Congress.

    中文: 人民代表大会已不采用举手表决。 更详细进入...
    Unfortunately, the Diamond Stella Egg, which has gone on sale, comes with a hefty £50,000 price tag.

    中文: 目前,一枚名为“钻石斯特拉”的复活节彩蛋已经上市,很不幸,它的标价高达5万英镑! 更详细进入...
    B: It was going to meet in Room 110, but it was changed to the auditorium for more apace.

    中文: 原定在110房间,可又改在礼堂举行,那里宽敞些。 更详细进入...
    This helps the trees spread their seeds and reproduce.

    中文: 此举可帮助这些树播散它们的种子,四处繁殖。 更详细进入...
    For example, my mispronunciation of her name could have been a fatal mistake.

    中文: 举例来说,我念错她的姓名可能是最大的错误。 更详细进入...
    I can quote you several instances of her being deliberately rude.

    中文: 我可以给你举出她故意粗暴待人的几个例子. 更详细进入...
    If you insert a coin into the slot, the machine will work.

    中文: 如果你在入口处丢进一枚硬币,机器就会工作。 更详细进入...
    Terrorists placed a 50-pound bomb in the railway station.

    中文: 恐怖分子在火车站安放了一枚50磅重的炸弹. 更详细进入...
    We would give more examples if we could afford the space.

    中文: 假如我们能匀出篇幅来, 就可以多举些例子了. 更详细进入...
    He came over to you with this coin safe and unharmed in his small little hands.

    中文: 他用他的小手,小心翼翼的拿了这枚铜币来找你。 更详细进入...
    Now he's hopeful Yao and T-Mac will get him a third trophy.

    中文: 现在,他期待姚明和麦蒂能给他带来第三枚戒指。 更详细进入...
    The Olympic winner received a gold medal as an award.

    中文: 奥林匹克的优胜者获得一枚金质奖章作为奖赏。 更详细进入...
    For thou hast hid their heart from understanding: therefore shalt thou not exalt them.

    中文: 4因你使他们心不明理,所以你必不高举他们。 更详细进入...
    NASA launches 25 to 30 sounding rockets annually; the U.S. military uses them as well.

    中文: NASA每年发射25~30枚探空火箭,美国军方也会使用。 更详细进入...
    W:Peter was given a medal for helping put out the forest fire.

    中文: 女:由于协助扑灭森林火灾,彼得获得了一枚奖章。 更详细进入...
    Leaders also know that appearance and manners count. They are usually pleasant to be with; their speech is polished, their demeanor unruffled and assured.

    中文: 领导人物也知道外表和举止很重要.他们常常是和蔼可亲,谈吐文雅,举止稳重,信心十足. 更详细进入...
    As soon as the participant successfully executes the movement_and_becomes motionless, the referee signals completion of the lift,_and_the participant may lower the barbell.

    中文: 当选手完成整个动作并静止不动时,裁判员示意举重结束,这时选手方可放下杠铃。 更详细进入...
    It is sometimes possible to cast a ballot in advance of an election if you are going to be out of town, ill or otherwise not able to vote on election day.

    中文: 有时侯可以提前投票,比如你因生病,离开居住地,或有其它情况选举日不能投票时。 更详细进入...

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