Liu Yuxi, a poet of Tang dynasty, once wrote a poem, it described the “Eight-hundred-mile Donting Lake”, but when I stepped on the Yueyang tower, I could hardly feel the grandness of Donting Lake.
中文: 唐朝诗人刘禹锡写到“八百里洞庭”可当我登上岳阳楼,我竟无法感受到那“八百里”的雄伟的气势。 更详细进入...
Don't gild the lily.
中文: 不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足。 更详细进入...
He is not poor, on the contrary, he is a millionaire .
中文: 他不穷,相反,他是个百万富翁。 更详细进入...
The cost will approximate two million dollars.
中文: 该项费用差不多达两百万元。 更详细进入...
The parties may prescribe that if one party breaches the contract, it will pay a certain sum of liquidated damages to the other party in light of the degree of breach, or prescribe a method for calculation of damages for the loss resulting from a party's
中文: 第一百一十四条当事人可以约定一方违约时应当根据违约情况向对方支付一定数额的违约金,也可以约定因违约产生的损失赔偿额的计算方法。 更详细进入...
The depository may not use, or allow to be used, the deposit, except otherwise agreed by the parties.
中文: 第三百七十二条保管人不得使用或者许可第三人使用保管物,但当事人另有约定的除外。 更详细进入...
Article 114 Liquidated Damages; Adjustment; Continuing Performance Notwithstanding Payment of Liquidated Damages The parties may prescribe that if one party breaches the contract, it will pay a certain sum of liquidated damages to the other party in light
中文: 第一百一十四条当事人可以约定一方违约时应当根据违约情况向对方支付一定数额的违约金,也可以约定因违约产生的损失赔偿额的计算方法。 更详细进入...
Article 226 Time for Rent Payment The lessee shall pay the rent at the prescribed time.
中文: 第二百二十六条承租人应当按照约定的期限支付租金。 更详细进入...
Article 263 Time of Payment of Remuneration The hirer shall pay the remuneration at the prescribed time.
中文: 第二百六十三条定作人应当按照约定的期限支付报酬。 更详细进入...
The principal shall prepay the expenses for handling the entrusted affair.
中文: 第三百九十八条委托人应当预付处理委托事务的费用。 更详细进入...
Roulette, Pai-Gow Poker, Baccarat and Mini Baccarat do not count towards the bonus money.
中文: 轮盘、牌九、百家乐及迷你百家乐将不被算入获得奖赏金额的中。 更详细进入...
Dissatisfaction towards the Government remained high at 53 per cent, compared to the 39 per cent for those satisfied.
中文: 对政府不满意的人仍然相当多,占受访人数的百分之五十三,只有三成九受访者表示满意。 更详细进入...
Know therefore that it is not because of your righteousness that Jehovah your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stiff-necked people.
中文: 6所以你当知道,耶和华你神将这美地赐你为业,并不是因你的义;你本是硬着颈项的百姓。 更详细进入...
The result showed that when polyethylene and polyurethane were both at percent, palm wax was at percent, the checking gloves' surface was most lubricant, when the dipping time was seconds and the dried temperature was ~0℃, the combination was stable.
中文: 试验结果表明:在润滑涂层各组分的质量百分含量配比中,当聚乙烯的质量百分含量为%,聚氨酯的质量百分含量为%,棕榈蜡的质量百分含量为%时,涂层的润滑性能最好,达到级; 在工艺条件中当浸渍时间达到秒时,滑爽效果达到最佳; 更详细进入...
Adhering to the Party's Basic Line at the primary stage for one hundred years without any vacillation.
中文: (二)坚持党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线一百年不动摇。 更详细进入...
Pedestrian : Yes, go straight across and the Town Hall is 100 meters along on the left-hand side.
中文: 行人:不错。穿过这路口,走大约一百公尺,左边就是市政厅了。 更详细进入...
I once asked a jailer who worked at the county facility that processes killers for death row at Huntsville, Texas, how many of the murderers he'd met—and he'd met hundreds— were genuinely evil and he said, maybe five percent.
中文: 我有一次问在德克萨斯州的罕斯维尔关杀人犯的死牢里工作的一个狱卒,他所见到的成百的杀人犯当中有多少是真邪恶的,他说,也许有百分之五。 更详细进入...
It gives you a splendid reputation with everybody to know that you get up with the lark; and if you get the right kind of lark, and work at him right, you can easily train him to get up at half past nine, every time-it's no trick at all.
中文: 倘若人们知道你与百灵鸟一样早起,会对你印象颇佳,倘若你得到一只百灵鸟,并好好饲养,当然你就能训练它每天九点半起床,我的确没有骗你们。 更详细进入...
One column of smoke with one gunshot meant an enemy troop of about100, two columns with two shots meant500.
中文: 一柱烟一声炮表示敌军有百人左右,两柱烟两声炮表示五百人左右。 更详细进入...
Article 153 For the purpose of this Law, force majeuremeans unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions.
中文: 第一百五十三条本法所称的“不可抗力”,是指不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况。 更详细进入...