Likewise, preparation for a war game varies.
中文: 按不同野战类型做不同的准备。 更详细进入...
This paper provides security analysis of a mutual authentication and key establishing protocol based on elliptic curve cryptography for wireless communication, which can withstand the above attacks and can be used in wireless terminals.
中文: 在结合椭圆曲线密码体制优点的基础上,提出一种适于无线通信网络中的相互认证和密钥建立协议,不仅能有效防止上述攻击,还适于在无线终端设备上应用。 更详细进入...
I'm prepared to have a whack at it.
中文: 我准备试一试. 更详细进入...
Gold was abandoned as a reserve asset.
中文: 黄金不再是储备资产。 更详细进入...
Neither you nor he is to blame.
中文: 你和他都不该受责备。 更详细进入...
Please don't blame)Mr. Dice!
中文: 请不要责备)小片先生! 更详细进入...
She saved money for a rainy day.
中文: 她存钱以备不时之需. 更详细进入...
Provide for ease of interpretation with concise but not cryptic standard single line alarm message wherever the alarm is displayed or logged.
中文: 无论在何处显示或记录警报,都要预备好便于理解的、简洁的而不是含糊不清的、标准单行报警信息以供使用。 更详细进入...
The environment can be free from pollution due to nontoxicity and innocuousness of the abluent.
中文: 清洗剂无毒无害 ,不污染环境 ; 更详细进入...
Everything is in readiness.
中文: 一手准备就绪。 更详细进入...
G: No, I've got them already .
中文: 不要,我已经准备好了。 更详细进入...
Small Fish: You're not going?
中文: 鱼老二:你不准备去吗? 更详细进入...
Never lose courage,Never lose faith.Nothing isn this world is impossible when you are determined.
中文: 勇气不可失,信心不可无,世间没有不能与无能的事只怕——不肯。 更详细进入...
Compelet ultraviolet radiation inspectio system and alarm system.
中文: 安全性高紫外线监测系统,警报系统完备,无爆炸之虑。 更详细进入...
The estimated lives of depreciable assets are buildings, 40 years, and equipment, 20 years. No salvage values are anticipated.
中文: 估计可折旧资产:建筑物40年和设备20年。无剩馀价值。 更详细进入...
Let customers be satisfied with JIANHUA non-woven fabric equipment, Let JIANHUA brand much more famous.
中文: 选无纺设备精品,创建华著名品牌,新老客户满意是我们每个建华人不懈努力追求的目标。 更详细进入...
What is more, engineers expect these UWB units to be cheaper, smaller and less power-hungry than today's narrowband radio devices.
中文: 尤有甚者,工程师期望这些超宽频元件,能比今天的窄频无线电设备更便宜、更小、更不耗电。 更详细进入...
A monitoring system based on the relationship between cardiac contractility and heart sound was developed.
中文: 研究了基于心力—心音关系的心脏储备无创监测系统。 更详细进入...
Finally, I attempt to give an explanation about why akrasia is blameworthy.
中文: 最后,本文尝试对「何以无自制力是该被责备的」这个问题,给予一个较为合理的解释。 更详细进入...
If giving less than 5 ml of liquids, prepare medication in a sterile syringe without a needle.
中文: 如所给药液少于5毫升,备药时可使用无针头注射器。 更详细进入...