We own a variety of advanced shoes equipment including: Horizontal Roughing Platform, Vertical Polishing Platform, Sole Plane Automatic Roughing Machine, High-pressure Embossing Machine, Automatic Sole Slotting Machine, High-pressure Changing Color Machin
中文: 拥有:各款横式磨台、立式磨台、鞋底斜面打粗机、大底平面自动打粗机、多功能大底自动开槽机、大底铣槽机、大底折边机、大底烙印机、大底改色机、压底机等鞋材设备及制鞋全套设备20多种品种机型。 更详细进入...
B: I'll be mad at you till hell freezes over. I can never forgive what you did.
中文: 等到地狱结冰我都会生你的气/我永远都不会停止生气,我永远不会原谅你的所作所为。 更详细进入...
A、The taper's underside is a … ? How many undersides has a taper got?
中文: 圆锥的底面是()形,圆锥有()个底面。 更详细进入...
All Pacific gate, globe and non-return valves can be supplied with electric, air, gas or hydraulic driven motor actuators or cylinder actuators.
中文: 所有美国太平洋闸阀、截止阀和止逆阀(单向阀)都可以配置电动、气动或液动马达执行机构或缸体执行机构。 更详细进入...
Yoga originates from India, it was once fashionable in western countries, and has long been recognized as one of the safest and the most effective patterns of recreational sports.
中文: 摘要瑜伽起源印度,一度风靡西方,是一种早已被公认的最安全、最富有成效的休闲体育方式之一。 更详细进入...
Physical prevention and control means to prevent pests from polluting the food and spreading diseases, block the in-break of pests, cut them off from food supply and breeding grounds, destroy the environment for their existence and control the density of
中文: 物理防制就是利用物理设施防止害虫污染食物和散布病菌,阻止害虫入侵途径,防止害虫获得食物和孳生场所,破坏害虫的生存环境,控制害虫密度。 更详细进入...
Hanadee Khan, 15, said she had read and reread all the books and remained full-out obsessedwith Rowl-ing's creation.
中文: 15岁的卡恩说她一读再读罗琳所有的书,仍然「彻底著迷不能自拔。」 更详细进入...
If not supported by the underlying database method, this directive is ignored without comment.
中文: 如果它不被数据库底层方法所支持,那么该指令将被无条件忽略。 更详细进入...
In this land full of colour, elephants are gods, rats have their very own temple and the Bengal tiger rules the jungle.
中文: 草原上回复平静的当儿,突然一头犀牛冲进丛林中,到底所为何事? 更详细进入...
It's always a good idea to investigate thoroughly before committing any of your hard-earned money to anything.
中文: 所以明智之举就是在你掏出自己的血本之前弄清楚对方的底细。 更详细进入...
Remove the piston and spring from the relief valve housing and thoroughly clean all parts including the diaphragm.
中文: 从安全阀外壳上拆卸活塞和弹簧,彻底清洗包括隔膜的所有部件。 更详细进入...
This firm specializes in the production of bottoms for footwear for both men and women in thermoplastic and leather materials.
中文: 该司专业生产男、女装鞋大底,所选材质为热塑性塑料,及真皮材料。 更详细进入...
Those ocular findings about VTS often are misinterpreted and the diagnosis of vitreomacular traction syndrome often is missed.
中文: 此症在眼底的表现常被做错误的解释,所以误诊的机会是很高的。 更详细进入...
For a long time. I watched them scurrying around the base of the tree in bewilderment.
中文: 在很长一段时间里,我看见蚂蚁围着大树底部来回转悠,不知所措。 更详细进入...
Acts 19:28 And when they heard this, they became full of rage and began to cry out, saying, Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!
中文: 徒十九28众人听见,就怒气填胸,喊著说,大哉,以弗所人的亚底米啊! 更详细进入...
The pilot lamp stopped to represent the termination of the operation.
中文: 指示灯停止显示操作终止。 更详细进入...
Check module construction shall include built-in limit stops to prevent disc wear due to backpressure.
中文: 止回阀模块结构应该包括内置止动限止器,防止由于反压力造成阀瓣磨损。 更详细进入...
All restricted areas must be fenced with a lock gate to prevent access by unauthorized persons.
中文: 所有限入区域必须围起来并配有门,锁以防止非指定人员进入。 更详细进入...
Don\'t spit or talk loudly in public places. Wait in line. Eat quietly.
中文: 禁止在公共场所随地吐痰、大声喧哗。自觉排队。吃饭时不要说话。 更详细进入...
Each time I do this, I rediscover that what I have been given is far beyond monetary value.
中文: 每次这样做的时候,我都发现我所收获的远远不止金钱的价值。 更详细进入...