Differentiation in Datura stramonium L. populations exposed to heavy-metal pollution at different durations: RAPD analysis
中文: 重金属污染下曼陀罗种群分化的RAPD分析 更详细进入...
Elizabeth: Please give us the opportunity to redeem ourselves.
中文: 请给我们弥补自己过失的机会. 更详细进入...
He has many virtues to set against his faults.
中文: 他有很多优点来弥补他的缺点。 更详细进入...
Journalist: Might the generalized changes precede then the localized or topical changes?
中文: (弥漫性改变先于局限性病变吗?) 更详细进入...
The smell of cooking permeates (through) the flat.
中文: 整套房间都弥漫著做菜的气味. 更详细进入...
We must try to recover lost time.
中文: 我们必须设法弥补失去的时间。 更详细进入...
We hope that you'll take the initiative and bridge the gap.
中文: 希望你方采取主动来弥合差距。 更详细进入...
You should make up for lost time.
中文: 你应说把失去的时间弥补回来。 更详细进入...
If we suspend our own predilections for the moment and instead go directly to our sources, we come upon the indisputable fact that the Buddha himself taught rebirth and taught it as a basic tenet of his teaching.
中文: 如果暂时放下个人的偏见,直接去我们的来源查看,便会发现一个不可否认的事实:佛陀本人教导了轮回原理,并且是把它作为一个基本教义来讲授的。 更详细进入...
Jn. 1:41 He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, We have found the Messiah (which translated means Christ).
中文: 约一41他先找著自己的哥哥西门,对他说,我们遇见弥赛亚了。(弥赛亚番出来,就是基督。) 更详细进入...
A monk asked Koyo Seijo, “Daitsu Chisho Buddha sat in zazen for ten kalpas and could not attain Buddhahood. He did not become a Buddha. How could this be?
中文: 兴阳让和尚、因僧问、大通智胜佛、十劫坐道场、佛法不现前、不得成佛道时如何。 更详细进入...
「Having no facility for speech-making and no command of oratory nor any domination of rhetoric, I wish to thank the administrators of the generosity of Alfred Nobel for this Prize.
中文: 「我不善辞令,缺乏演说的才能,只想感谢阿佛雷德?诺贝尔评委会的委员们慷慨授予我这份奖金。 更详细进入...
Citrus medica L.,and Kaempferia calanga L.,C.
中文: 佛手(Citrus medica L.) 更详细进入...
While some people need to read the last page first, you can wait to reach the climactic end of an Agatha Christie book, and you'll appreciate every moment of Russian masters like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky.
中文: 他们可以等待阿加莎-克里斯蒂的作品中的高潮慢慢到来,对俄罗斯文学大师托尔斯泰和陀斯妥耶夫斯基的作品也有着浓厚的兴趣。 更详细进入...
Compared to the battleship, the tank is a tiny little bundle of pixels.
中文: 和战列舰比起来,坦克只是一小陀象素而已。 更详细进入...
Like Indra, Vishnu is said to have subdued serpents.
中文: 像]因陀罗,毗瑟挐据说是已经屈服的大毒蛇。 更详细进入...
The optimization of dither parameter of RLG
中文: 环形激光陀螺仪机械抖动参数的优化设计 更详细进入...
Taxonomic study of Datura:inferences from ITS sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA
中文: 基于ITS序列的曼陀罗属植物的分类学研究 更详细进入...
Denver Journal of International Law and Policy---
中文: 丹佛国际法律和政策期刊,丹佛大学主办,摘要. 更详细进入...
The larger Buddha was painted carmine red and the smaller one was multicolored, Mr. Melzl said.
中文: 梅兹尔说,大佛涂上胭脂红,小佛涂上多种颜色。 更详细进入...