Albert Pine said, What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.
中文: 艾伯特曾说过:为自己做的一切都会随着死去而消逝无踪,为他人和世界所做的将会延续而不朽。 更详细进入...
However those that accomplish such will also clear all karma from their tapestry of ancestry in so doing, as competition is the foundation of the karma of the human species.
中文: 一个人掌握得越好(指无条件统治),就能建立越有力的场,而此有力仅限于为统一和无害的目的而对能量的管理上。 更详细进入...
He was blithely unaware of the trouble he had caused.
中文: 他对他所造成的麻烦毫无所知, 无忧无虑. 更详细进入...
It is the belief of realism that inter-state politics is anarchic, as all the sates are actors driven by self-interest, for whom conflict is an inevitable means to self-protection.
中文: 现实主义认为国际政治乃属于无政府状态,而国家都是自利的行为体,为了自保而发生冲突乃不可避免的结果。 更详细进入...
We are drawing a conclusion that the torpid of mortality and finitude in the human nature is the rudimentary cause.
中文: 有死有限存在的同时,无限与永恒的追求才成为可能与必然。 若人本身就是无限与永恒,便无需超越,无需追求无限与永恒; 更详细进入...
However, no light perception was doomed.
中文: 然而视力己无光感。 更详细进入...
Knowledge is long, life is short.
中文: 吾生有涯,而知无涯。 更详细进入...
For example, all the compositional phenomena are impermanent, but you do not see them as impermanent, it is then difficult to meditate on impermanence to realize things as impermanent.
中文: 举个例来说,所有的缘起现象都是无常的,然而你并不视它们为无常的,所以这就很难观修无常以体认事物是无常的。 更详细进入...
However, the composer confesses she would quit writing sheet music to become a photographer.
中文: 然而,这位作曲家承认,为了成为摄影师她可以放弃作曲。 更详细进入...
Many a crown of wisdom is but the golden chamber-pot of success, worn with pompous dignity.
中文: 好多智慧的冠冕,无非是一只“成功”的金尿壶,摆着堂皇的架势而已。 更详细进入...
Landgent International, rather than cold combination of steels and cement, is spiritual rest home that is comfortable, elaborate, considerate and lasting.
中文: 乐成国际,不是钢筋水泥的冰冷结合物,而是无处不舒适、无处不精心、无处不体贴的恒久的人文主义的精神居所。 更详细进入...
America should become an object of explicit observation (not thoughtless imitation) while China remains a topic of concern and memory.
中文: 美国应该成为一个可看可摸的观察对象(而不是不加思考的模仿),而中国则应成为时时关心与回忆的话题。 更详细进入...
Because the Mediterranean is seriously polluted and the pollution causes many diseases: typhoid, paratyphoid, dysentery, polio, viral hepatitis, food poisoning and cholera which threaten people\'s life.
中文: 由此造成的后果是,曾经哺育过无数灿烂文明的地中海如今已奄奄一息,成为一个因其周边人们的才能和态度而遭殃的海洋。 更详细进入...
Abstract: For that the situation needed strategy of Wuweigoverning and that HUANG Lao's Wuweilay emphasis on ruling of law which was advantagious to the re-establishment of social order,maintained less tax paid and made people rich to develop economy.
中文: 文摘:道家黄老无为而治的政治思想,第一次登上政治舞台,作为治国安民的指导思想,在西汉前期的社会经济的重建中,取得了极为显著的成效。 更详细进入...
With his large snapping heads and aggressive, unpredictable behavior, Jakiro is an intimidating creature to say the least, yet is loyal to the Sentinel for reasons all his own.
中文: 藉著一对迅敏凶猛的龙首以及无可捉摸的习性,名为贾奇洛的他成了头令人闻风丧胆的生物,但他却为著自己的一套理由而甘为铁卫军效力。 更详细进入...
The ability to form memories is an indispensable part of the construction of a sense of our own chronology.
中文: 海马受伤就无法形成新记忆,而记忆形成的能力,则是建构个人时序表所不可或缺的。 更详细进入...
No any trouble for tel busy,nobody quote,quote slowly.
中文: 无需为电话打不通,电话通了没人报价,报价速度慢而烦恼. 更详细进入...
Multicultural America has numerous minority groups that argue for equal treatment.
中文: 多元文化的美国拥有无数为平等待遇而争论的少数团体。 更详细进入...
Quite a few of these patterns can be discarded as useless towards the absolute most of the guitar repertoire.
中文: 其中很少的组合可以作为与吉他曲目无关的组合而忽略。 更详细进入...
She could find no plausible explanation for the disappearance of the money in the locked safe.
中文: 她无法合理的解释为什么锁在保险柜里的钱会不翼而飞。 更详细进入...