The telecommunication service is a government monopoly.
中文: 电信为政府专营。 更详细进入...
In UK, schools are classified as government funded and privately (independent) funded.
中文: 英国的学校分为政府拨款和私人筹款(独立)两大类。 更详细进入...
For each one shall bear his own load.
中文: 5因为各人必担当自己的担子。 更详细进入...
Man has struggled long against the brute forces of nature.
中文: 人类对抗自然的蛮力为时已久。 更详细进入...
Resourceful people working with nature's resources.
中文: 富于创造的人以自然资源为本。 更详细进入...
Chinese leaders and government have so far made unremitting efforts to promote peace talks, he said.
中文: 他说:中国领导人和政府迄今为止为和平会谈进行了不懈的努力。 更详细进入...
Article 7 Where an administrative organ and its personnel infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of a citizen, a legal person or other organization and cause damage when exercising its administrative functions and powers, the organ shall be respons
中文: 第七条行政机关及其工作人员行使行政职权侵犯公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益造成损害的,该行政机关为赔偿义务机关。 更详细进入...
Since the transfer of political power last year, Taiwan has faced a two-fold economic and political crisis.
中文: 自去年政党轮替以来,台湾面临经济与政治的双重危机。 更详细进入...
As the offspring of occidental bourgeois democratic institution, interest groups exert important function of politics development when they try for interest, such as conformity of politics structure, expand of politics attendance, science and democratizat
中文: 摘要作为西方民主政治的产物,利益集团在谋求自身利益的同时还积极发挥着重要的政治发展功能。 更详细进入...
Alternatively, the contracting government agency can itself make a contract as an administrative one by including certain terms not found in private civil contracts.
中文: 或者,签署合同的政府机构,通过将私人民事合同中没有的条款写入合同,将合同自行变成行政合同。 更详细进入...
Machiavelli political philosophy commended to practice no morality to man,which becomes a fetish by many politics theorist and politician.
中文: 马基雅维利的政治哲学为统治阶级推荐了一种不道德的实践,他本人也成为许多政治理论家和政治家的仿效并顶礼膜拜的偶像。 更详细进入...
Political restructuring is the self-improvement and development of the socialist political system.
中文: 政治体制改革是社会主义政治制度的自我完善和发展。 更详细进入...
Friedman was of the opinion that the European Union's individual member nations lacked the internal political ability to persuade their countrymen to accept a supranational “European Central Bank” transcending the autonomous operations of individual natio
中文: 他认为『欧洲联盟』各国缺乏政治魄力可以接受『欧洲中央银行』超国家体系的自主运作,缺乏劳动人口、资金及货物产品的可自由流通性。 更详细进入...
She put up a spirited defence of her government's policies.
中文: 她为她的政府的政策付上勇猛的辩护。 更详细进入...
From her happily ending plays for children to her increasingly dark plays for adults she exposes the chaos that results from the chasm between promises of prosperity for everyone and actual conditions that pit individuals against each other.
中文: 从以孩童为取向写出的快乐结局到为成人所写愈趋黑暗的剧本,她欲揭露某种落差导致的混乱,而这落差是来自于政府对人人享有繁荣的允诺到实际上人人相互斗争的情况。 更详细进入...
But this disorder organizing behavior brings a lot of negative influence to the orientation of itself, which makes it necessary to develop home making service into industrialization and marketization.
中文: 但家政服务业这种无序的组织行为给自身的形象定位造成了很多负面的影响,家政服务产业化、市场化已经成为发展的必然。 更详细进入...
Tuesday, government officials had put the death toll at more than 57-thousand, with most of those killed in Pakistani-Kashmir.
中文: 政府官员星期二公布的死亡人数是5万7千多人,其中多数来自巴控克什米尔。 更详细进入...
If non-Japanese Asians and Americans agree on anything it is that moaning Europeans are receiving precisely what their decrepit economies and policy sclerosis deserve.
中文: 如果亚洲人(日本除外)和美国人就某些问题达成共识的话,那就是经济陈旧政策僵化的欧洲国家自作自收。 更详细进入...
DEUTSCHE POST CONSULT INTERNATIONAL GMBH offers information to Postal service in addition to Consultancy.
中文: 为您提供关于邮政服务和邮政的信息。 更详细进入...
Therefore, the government should strengthen communication and the cooperation with various countries in the security problem and provide the more comprehensive public security system to improve citizen survival requirement; Citizen individual must strengt
中文: 为此,我国政府对外应加强与各国之间在安全问题上的沟通与协作,对内要以人为本,提供更为全面的公共安全保障体系,改善公民的生存条件;公民个人要增强法制观念,提高风险意识,自觉维护自身和他人的正当权益。 更详细进入...