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In UK, schools are classified as government funded and privately (independent) funded.

In Tony Zee's Fearful Symmetry(written in 1986), he also commented that it was not known whether the electron has any substructure. 对了,我现在对电子也是越来越糊涂,这到底是一个颗粒性的粒子(无论多么小),还是根本就不是一个粒子啊?
In Totentanz 2, a crimson tinted flood is superimposed over a magisterial robed figure, an Aryan blonde seated as if on a throne. 在《死亡之舞》2里,染成深红的洪水叠加在一个威风凛凛、身着长袍的人物上——一个金发碧眼的雅利安人,如同坐在国王的宝座上一般。
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, large carcinoma was considered as accumulation, hemorrhoidal hemorrhage, visceral mass, and dysentery, not named as large carcinoma. 摘要大肠癌在中医学上属“积聚”、“肠风”、“脏结”、“销肛痔”、“脏毒”等范畴,而无大肠癌之病名。
In Traditional and Simplified Chinese, each IME may limit its character in some range. 在传统(也就是繁体)和简体中文中,各个IME(大概是指各个输入法)会以自己的范围内限制它的字符。
In Turkey, hundreds protested in Istanbul, with many making their way to the Danish consulate. 在土耳其,几百人在伊斯坦布尔示-威,并且很多人前往丹麦使馆。
In UK, schools are classified as government funded and privately (independent) funded. 英国的学校分为政府拨款和私人筹款(独立)两大类。
In URLs, no spaces are worst, underscore are better, dashes or hyphens are best. 在URL中,没有间隔是最差的,有下划线可能好些,点号或者连字符是最好的。
In US News and World Reports rankings, none of the top 20 US universities is state-run. 根据《美国新闻与世界报道》的排名,顶尖的20家美国大学中,没有一家是由政府管理的。
In USA, Congress is divided into two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. 在美国,国会有上下两院:参议院和众议院。
In USA, Japan, Hong Kong one may become rich over night through speculating and playing the stock market. 在美国、日本、香港你可做投机生意、炒股票而一夜暴富。
In USA, if being going to call at self's house , must call first arrange; Not giving others like the visiting card, however give to just now during the period of both sides wants to keep in contact with; Want to smoke in the presence of American , must as 在美国,如果要登门拜访,必须先打电话约好;名片一般不送给别人,只是在双方想保持联系时才送;当着美国人的面想抽烟,必须问对方是否介意,不能随心所欲。

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