干细胞 蛋白质组 癌症 人参 移植 化疗 糖尿病
On either side, the brambles clambered over heather and gorse, laden with clusters of fruit, ripe for picking; a riot of black and green, purple and yellow.
中文: 路的两边,树莓攀附在石南花和金雀花之上,挂满了串串果实,果子已经熟透,就待采摘了;黑色和绿色,紫色和黄色,编织成一片缤纷色彩。 更详细进入...
Taking the two elevators at an incredible speed of 9.1m per second,you are able to cover 88 floors in 45 seconds smoothly.
中文: 就让时光穿梭机满足您饱览上海景色的急切心情吧! 更详细进入...
Content with his quiet, idyllic life, Uldyssian is shocked as dark events rapidly unfold around him.
中文: 满足于自己的舒适田园诗般的生活的他被周围迅速发生的黑暗的事情所震惊. 更详细进入...
Love is a springtime plant that perfumes everything with its hope, even the ruins to which it clings.
中文: 爱是春天有植物,用它的生机使一切散发出芬芳气息,即使是它所处身的废墟,也充满了希望。 更详细进入...
The three best things in life are a good landing, a good orgasm, and a good bowel movement.
中文: 这是一座充满攀登乐趣、景色壮观美丽的山,值得再去。 更详细进入...
On botanical garden science
中文: 植物园与植物园学 更详细进入...
Investigational findings of each indice after wearing custom-made ocular prosthesis: General satisfactory rates (satisfactory and mostly satisfactory) of shape, color, motility, fixation and comfort were 90.8%, 8.%, 7.7%, 9.9% and 87.7%, respectively.
中文: 患者配戴定制义眼后各项指标满意度调查结果:患者对个性化义眼外形、颜色、活动性、固位性、舒适性评价总满意率(满意和基本满意)分别为90.8%,8.%,7.7%,9.9%,87.7%。 更详细进入...
In the spring I touch the branches of trees hopefully in search of a bud the first sign of awakening Nature after her winter's sleep.
中文: 春天,我摸着树干的枝条满怀希望地搜索着嫩芽,那是严冬的沉睡后,大自然苏醒的第一个迹象。 更详细进入...
The Chinese paste spring couplets on the gateposts when celebrating Spring Festival.
中文: 中国人在庆祝春节的时候会在门柱上贴春联。 更详细进入...
Spring has so much more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leaves, and the coursing of its streams, and in its sweet restless seeking!
中文: 译文:春花怒放,春水奔流,春天欢腾地无止地追逐着.这一切都比语言要丰富得多. 更详细进入...
Spring has always rightly been identified with youth, and the sorrows of youth are poignant and bitter.
中文: 人们总是把青春比作春天,这自然无可厚非,但青春逝去的哀伤却是苦不堪言的。 更详细进入...
Preoccupied with sex and sexual desire; lustful.
中文: 放荡的,淫荡的性方面放荡的和充满色情欲望的;贪欲的 更详细进入...
Determination of Isofraxidin in Fufangmanshanbai Granule by HPLC;
中文: 高效液相色谱法测定复方满山颗粒中异秦皮啶的含量 更详细进入...
Hangzhou has two national scenic resort and historic sites like West Lake Tourist site, two national nature reserve zones, five national forest parks like One Thousand Islands Lake, and one national resort district.
中文: 杭州拥有两个国家级风景名胜区——西湖风景名胜区、“两江一湖”(富春江——新安江——千岛湖)风景名胜区;两个国家级自然保护区;五个国家森林公园——千岛湖、大奇山、午潮山、富春江和青山湖森林公园;一个国家级旅游度假区——之江国家旅游度假区。 更详细进入...
Abstract: The content of Fe,Zn,Cu,Mn,Ca,Mg,Na,K and Pb in the hair of 120 normal children in a kindergarten in Changchun was determined by AAS.
中文: 文摘:用原子吸收光谱法测定了长春市某幼儿园120名正常儿童头发中铁、锌、铜、锰、钙、镁、钠、钾、铅九种元素含量。 更详细进入...
Circumscriptions and Phylogenetic Relationships of Primula Sects. Auganthus and Ranunculoides: Evidence from nrDNA ITS Sequences
中文: 报春花属藏报春组、毛茛叶报春组的界定和系统发育关系 :核糖体DNAITS序列证据(英文) 更详细进入...
Clock Tower,located in Haikou Children's Park, has a charming scenery with its inverted image in the green water.The old Tower and the Park set off and compensate each other,calm and active,primitive and novel,solemn and vivid, forming a contrast and bala
中文: 钟楼坐落在海口儿童公园里,碧溪倒影,景色迷人,古钟楼与儿童公园相互映衬,静与动,古朴与新鲜,庄重与活泼,有声有色的对比与统一,引人进入美妙的意境。 更详细进入...
In spring I touch the branches of trees hopefully in search of a bud, the first sign of awakening Nature after her winter's sleep.
中文: 春天里,我满怀希望地触摸树枝,冀求找着一颗幼芽—大自然经过冬日沉睡重又苏醒的最早的征兆。 更详细进入...
A: You mean the Spring Festival?
中文: 你是说春节吧? 更详细进入...
The new buds appear in the spring.
中文: 春天嫩芽初绽。 更详细进入...
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