He gradually hauled in the Midlands before his floor began to delaminate, adding two seconds to his lap times.
中文: 他在速度慢下来之前他逐渐地拖住了米德兰车队,给自己的成绩加了两秒钟的时间。 更详细进入...
K2 is a rocky mountain up to 6000 meters, beyond which it becomes an ocean of ow.
中文: 乔戈里峰直到海拔6000米的地方都是岩石峰体,在这范围之上覆盖着一望无际的冰雪。 更详细进入...
They have now drilled within 1000 feet where the men are believed to be, hoping to get them food and air.
中文: 他们目前已经挖掘到离矿工1000米之内的地方,他们相信能够给他们提供食物和空气。 更详细进入...
“When you drew that Fish-And-Chips sign, you should have put a hyphen between Fish and And and And and Chips”.
中文: (当你画一张鱼片和薯条的标记的时候,应当在鱼和”和“和”和“和”薯条之间加上连字号。 更详细进入...
Now has workshop 4000 sq. m., the annual copper pipe output reach 1,000 ton, it's one of leading copper pipe factory in Ningbo city.
中文: 目前厂区占地面积4000平方米,建筑面积4000平方米,年加工铜管能力可达1000吨以上,是宁波市最大的洁具铜管专业生产厂家之一。 更详细进入...
The harpoon rope had to be very long, and very carefully arranged in the boat so that it would run out freely when the whale dived.
中文: 鱼叉绳必须很长,还要小心地装在船上,以备鲸鱼潜水时能方便的放出。 更详细进入...
Molecular systematics of morphologically similar fishes in the Schizothoracinae in Nanmenxia River, with implication for morphological convergent evolution
中文: 南门峡裂腹鱼亚科鱼类形态相似种的分类学地位——形态趋同进化实例 更详细进入...
The 3,760-square metre Sha Tin Wai Station will be divided into two levels, the ground-level concourse and the platform level. Lifts and escalators will carry passengers between the two levels.
中文: 沙田围站占地约3,760平方米,共分为两层。车站大堂位于地面,月台设于大堂之上。大堂与月台层之间设有升降机和扶手电梯,方便乘客使用。 更详细进入...
The Project Content : The project locates in the golden mile for living in Mabian County with the construction area about 12,000 square meters. The total construction acreage is 36000 square meteres.
中文: 项目内容:项目地位于马边县城所在地民建镇黄金地段,土地总面积约12000平方米,建设商品房建筑面积约36000平方米。 更详细进入...
Benthos on mangrove wetland and smooth cordgrass (Spartina alteriflora) wetland in Jiulongjiang Estuary
中文: 九龙江口红树林湿地与米草湿地的底栖生物 更详细进入...
[kjv] And there was a man of mount Ephraim, whose name was Micah.
中文: 以法莲山地有一个人名叫米迦。 更详细进入...
The ancient civilization of Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, was a space colony where a certain civilization was introduced.
中文: 美索不达米亚古文明,底格里斯河与幼发拉底河之间,是某个文明引入的太空殖民地。 更详细进入...
The American Midwest is known as the corn belt -- that is where most of the nation's corn is grown.
中文: 美国中西部以玉米带闻名于世,那里是美国大部分玉米的产地。 更详细进入...
Several species of fish in the Caspian Sea, on Russia's southern border, have become endangered since the collapse of Soviet rule led to a sharp rise in fish smug-gling.
中文: 自从前苏联解体后,俄罗斯南部边境里海地区的鱼走私急剧增加,有些品种的鱼已面临濒危境地。 更详细进入...
Annual production value of over 3,000 million, total 12,000 square meters and a building area of over 7,000 square metres.
中文: 年生产产值3000多万元,占地面积12000平方米,建筑面积7000多平方米。 更详细进入...
Fish fauna and zoogeographical analysis of Shi Wan Da Shan Mountains, Guangxi, China
中文: 广西十万大山地区的鱼类区系及其动物地理学分析 更详细进入...
There is a children's interactive play room, a salmon ladder and fish hatchery, and more than 400 species of sea life.
中文: 还有儿童互动的游戏间、鮭鱼鱼梯和孵卵的地方,以及四百多品种的水族。 更详细进入...
The usual practice is wheat sown in strip check and 0.6-0.8 m wide space left for maize under the precondition of full land utilization and high yield of wheat.
中文: 通常作法是小麦条畦种植,留出0.6~0.8米宽空地种玉米,前提是充分利用土地使小麦高产。 更详细进入...
Moreover, it is suggested to focus the production adjustment policy on the conversion of farmland in the non-primary-rice-producing areas and to choose proper crops to substitute for rice according to the characteristics of areas.
中文: 此外,由于稻作收入及地租与生产调整比率呈反向关系,表示生产调整在稻米主产地及良质米产地推行不易,因此生产调整应著重在非稻米主产地,并根据地区特性,研拟适当的转作作物,才能有效解决稻米供需失调的问题。 更详细进入...
Those lineages of dolphins and whales that were used for DNA to blend dolphins and whales together went into depression as the half and half offspring was born.
中文: 当半鲸鱼半海豚的后代出生时,那些被用来混和DNA的海豚鲸鱼宗系进入了沮丧之中。 更详细进入...